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Government and Economics

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1 Government and Economics

2 Thomas Hobbes He was critical of French society
Contributed to history, geometry, physics of gases, and theology Influenced western and modern political philosophy He believed humans were naturally brutal

3 John Locke He believed that logical reasoning could explain the existence of God Government was a form of contact He believed that all people had natural rights Influenced Voltaire and Rousseau His thoughts are represented Declaration of Independence Classical republicanism and liberal theory

4 Baron de Montesquieu He was against absolutism
His main concern monitoring the authority of French kings He was critical of French society Made feudalism popular Theory of separated powers was implemented in many constitutions throughout the world

5 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains” He believed in general will People in society are corrupt He influenced the French Revolution Political, sociological, and educational thought His ideas led to the development of romanticism

6 Adam Smith Liassez–faire (an environment where transactions between private parties are free from state intervention) His book, Wealth of Nations, became one of the most influential works on economics His ideas influenced the free markets He developed the free market policies on health, transport, education, welfare , and taxations

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