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Outlined Plan We will have initial retinal and fingerprint scans at check-ins for passengers that go with the person’s identity. There will be retinal.

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Presentation on theme: "Outlined Plan We will have initial retinal and fingerprint scans at check-ins for passengers that go with the person’s identity. There will be retinal."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Our mission is to strengthen our world’s security with biometric technology”

2 Outlined Plan We will have initial retinal and fingerprint scans at check-ins for passengers that go with the person’s identity. There will be retinal and fingerprint scans at the security checkpoint, to verify identity. Lastly, there will be retinal and fingerprint scans as passengers board the plane.

3 Our Plan Check In Security Checkpoint Boarding Plane

4 Ret-Dig 100™ scans iris patterns and fingerprints simultaneously
examines ridge patterns in fingertips examines blood vessel patterns in iris price: $3, per unit, and $5, for server hardware

5 Accuracy and Limits of Fingerprints
Retina Fingerprints are unique meaning that no two are the same (except for identical twins). Digital fingerprint scanning is relatively common, which can be attributed to their high success rate of 95-98%. Retinal scanning is the most accurate, despite not working on the blind. In this event, the airport would still have fingerprinting available to them. Even identical twins have different retinas, making the possibility of getting past this slim to none.

6 Issues of Privacy The use of biometric technology is directly associated with privacy concerns for a small number of people. Some argue that biometric technology turns your life into an open book, but for identity thieves (which biometrics will virtually eliminate) it already is. Our plan to use these biometrics is solely to keep people safe, so minor infringements of privacy seem like a small price to pay.

7 Success Story A woman arrived at a Chicago airport just in time for her flight, hoping to be rushed through security without much scrutiny. She carried valid identification cards and no problem was seen with her travel documents, causing her to initially be waved through by a careless front desk attendant. Carmela Santiago, senior manager of the establishment, realized her employee’s mistake and called the woman back to go through a quick, biometric scanner. Upon running her fingerprint, it was discovered that the woman, a suspected member of a brutal terrorist organization, had forged her travel documents and was planning a stunt her long flight overseas. Thanks to Biometric Identification International and Mrs. Santiago, the lives of 42 people, including seven children, were protected from a notorious criminal.

8 Beating the System While it was fairly difficult to get through airport security before biometric technology was so widespread, it has now been made next to impossible with our company’s specialized plan. If an imposter was somehow able to make their way through a less accurate (but still highly advanced) scanner, like fingerprints, they would still be subjected a retinal scan, which is shown to be the most accurate biometric technology currently on the market, and two more fingerprint scans. Passing these won’t get you into any top-secret government buildings, but they will confirm that you are who you claim to be and grant you access to a safe flight.

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