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Why did the Bolshevik regime survive ?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did the Bolshevik regime survive ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did the Bolshevik regime survive 1918-1924?

2 Why did the Bolsheviks survive?
Trotsky’s leadership of the Red Army NEP led to more grain being grown The brutal suppression of the Kronstadt Mutiny and Tambov Rising Closure of Constituent Assembly January 1918 Decree against factionalism in the party 1921 White armies divided in Civil War Purge of the party members Bolshevik control of the cities and industrial regions Cheka – use of terror against opponents War Communism – seizure of grain Peasant support for war policy Foreign intervention in Civil War Signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk An unshakeable belief in the ultimate victory of Marxism Expulsion of Mensheviks and SRs from Soviets in 1918 Brutality of the White armies in the Civil War Party membership meant a job, meant security, they would do what they were told.

3 Organising ideas The Bolshevik strength of belief and determination to succeed, seen in their use of terror The divided opposition The popular support the Bolsheviks had The Civil War The concessions that the Bolsheviks made, especially the NEP

4 Interpretations ‘The Bolsheviks displayed a supreme confidence that they knew best… they were motivated by a desire to transform the world…(they had) a ruthless determination to hold on to power at all costs.’ ‘Lenin was a ruthless dictator…however dictatorship and terror alone were not enough to secure Bolshevik success.’ ‘It is perhaps a great irony that the Civil War, which was designed to overthrow the Bolsheviks, proved to be their salvation….(it was) a great opportunity for the Bolsheviks to create the authoritarian regime they needed to survive.’ ‘A key advantage the Bolsheviks had was the disparate nature of the forces arrayed against them’

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