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Rise of the West Chapter 10, Section 4.

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1 Rise of the West Chapter 10, Section 4

2 Moving West Americans moved west looking for opportunity
Cities emerge along rivers and Great Lakes Newspapers and hotels attracted migrants out west

3 Balloon Frame House Used 2x4’s instead of timber to frame house
Made possible because of mass production of nails Allowed houses to be made cheaply and quickly

4 Cotton Kingdom Chapter 10, Section 5

5 South on Defensive Northern abolitionists attack slavery and southerners Increase distrust and hate between North and South Southerners begin to believe slavery was needed for survival and it helped country

6 Middle Passage Africans slave traders captured people and sold European slave traders Middle Passage was journey across Atlantic Many died during trip Slave Trade banned in 1807

7 Slave Labor Slavery used on plantations growing cash crops
Cotton, tobacco, rice Slave driver forced slaves to work Whippings and beatings were used Slave owners feared revolts Led to brutal repression of slaves

8 Slave Life Slaves maintained culture, religious family ties
Spirituals – songs celebrating religion and deliverance Brer Rabbit tales – stories of resistance Created unique African-American culture

9 Effect of Slavery on White South
75% of white southerners did not own slaves Most supported slavery Believed whites superior to blacks Wages were lower in South because of competition from slaves Money was spent on slaves instead of industry Forced South to an agriculture economy South was dependent on northern industry South begin to believe government favor North

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