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Aggressors Invade Nations

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1 Aggressors Invade Nations
Japan, Italy and Germany in the 1930’s

2 Conquest in the 1930’s Germany, Italy and Japan were bent on military conquest. All 3 nations had dreams of building large empires. Germany= Third Reich

3 Japan World-wide economic depression led to an overthrow of the government by the military. Emperor Hirohito stayed the leader, but the military made all of the decisions. Seized Manchuria first, then China. Rape of Nanking, 1937 League of Nations did not stop Japan.

4 Italy Italy wanted to invade countries as Japan did.
Mussolini invaded Ethiopia first due to an old defeat in the region in the 1890’s. Ethiopian emperor asked the League of Nations for help- they did nothing. British allowed Muss. passage through Suez Canal to Ethiopia.

5 Germany Hitler wanted to undo the Treaty of Versailles
Expanded army Invaded Rhineland (area between France & Germany) Took Austria (Anschluss) Took Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) Muss. and Hitler formed Rome-Berlin Axis. Later added Japan to form Axis Powers Signed secret Nonaggression Pact (agreement to not attack) with Stalin

6 Where is Everyone? Much of Europe and the U.S. are still affected by the Great Depression of no $ U.S. took the policy of isolationism (to be neutral/stay out of war) Britain & France adopted policy of appeasement (giving into demands to avoid a conflict) Allowed Hitler to do what he pleased Munich Conference called to try to prevent a war, Sept. 1938 Hitler made promises he never meant to keep Britain believed peace had been achieved

7 War is Inevitable Breaking the Treaty of Versailles through aggressive tactics would lead to war. Unfortunately, Britain and France dropped the appeasement policy a bit too late. World War II began in Sept when Germany invaded Poland.

8 The Rape of Nanking 300,000 innocent Chinese were slaughtered by the Japanese during their invasion of Nanking, China in 1937. Very brutal 20,000 women were raped/gang raped Limbs were cut off, male/female genitalia cut off, decapitation Japanese govt. does not take full responsibility today. Surprising? What other genocide does this sound like?

9 Nanjing (Nanking), China

10 Japanese Soldiers Invade

11 Dead Bodies in Mass Grave

12 Bayonet Practice

13 Family Crying Over Dead Child

14 Chinese Decapitation

15 Dead Child Carried By Japanese Soldier

16 Decapitation in Progress

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