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Vertical Applications TAG

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1 802.24 Vertical Applications TAG
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Vertical Applications TAG March 2017 Meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada Tim Godfrey, EPRI <author>, <company>

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Overview Officers TAG Chair: Tim Godfrey Secretary & TAG Vice Chair: Ben Rolfe Task Groups Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey IoT TG Chris DiMinico 34 Voting Members Agenda: Meetings for the Week Monday PM2 Tuesday PM2 Wednesday PM2 (2nd hour to join with TSN) Manual attendance tracking for & members <author>, <company>

3 Agenda - 24-17-0007-00-0000 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Agenda - March 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada 1 Monday PM2 session 1.1 Call session to order, present “Guidelines for IEEE SA meetings”, Quorum Godfrey 5 4:00 PM 1.2 Review of Agenda / Approval of Agenda 4:05 PM 1.3 Approve January TAG minutes 4:10 PM 1.4 Introduction/meeting objectives / Review action items from previous meeting 4:15 PM 1.5 Web Page content update, and relationship with Industry Connections 30 4:20 PM 1.6 Smart Grid Task Group 4:50 PM 1.7 ITU and regulatory items Godfrey/Lynch/Kennedy 10 1.8 Updating SGIP PAP2 Wireless Matrix sgtg 5:00 PM 1.9 Recess 5:30 PM 2 Tuesday PM2 session 2.1 Call to Order DiMinico 2.2 IoT Task Group business 2.3 Liaison Coordinator's Report Diab 20 2.4 P2413 Liaison Report Winkel 2.5 Review and plan IoT white paper development 45 4:40 PM 2.6 5:25 PM 3 Wednesday PM2 session 3.1 3.2 Liaison Report from P2030.5 Heile 3.3 closing - action items, plans 3.4 Move to TSN room 3.5 Meet with TSN on White Paper for Time Sensitive Networks for Grid Modernization Godfrey / Parsons 60 4:30 PM 3.6 Adjourn Tim Godfrey, EPRI

4 Monday: 802.24 TAG Approve January minutes TAG Action Items:
Approved with unanimous consent TAG Action Items: Tim will post reminder for contribution on IoT to reflector Done Ludwig will post Word version r1 Done – r0 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

5 Web Page Review Web Page Updated
Tim Godfrey, EPRI

6 Industry Connections Process
IEEE-SA has created an Industry Connections activity, with an initiation process: ICAID: Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document References Tutorial on IC in 802 by John D’Ambrosia Tim Godfrey, EPRI

7 Discussion points has been asked to consider how its work relates to Industry Connections: Should there be a relationship between and Industry Connections? Formal or informal? Is there a benefit for broader connection and exposure within IEEE-SA? Could IC help our projects with better coordination? Notes: IC appears to have started in 2013 or 2014, but 802 was not involved until recently. The ICCom has 4 meetings per year. Decisions: When we initiate a new project, will consider whether to engage with IC. will examine (or liaison with) IC Committee to determine if we want to be involved with any existing IC activities has been introduced to Rudi Schubert for coordination. Further Discussion Could we expand the scope or add to existing IC projects? Specifically providing 802-specific input. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

8 Monday Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey, EPRI

9 ITU and Radio Regulatory Items
No regulatory items related to currently known. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

10 Update of PAP2 Wireless Matrix
History: Latest version r1 SGIP Study Group has been formed for Matrix update will provide updated data for 802 standards Tim Godfrey, EPRI

11 Update Plan Owners for updating (in coordination with WGs)
column Tim Godfrey, Harry Bims. Remove 16m (done) Add 16s (done) 802.11ah Yongho delegated to Alfred Asterjadhi (column provided and added) Question identified about spectrum efficiency of 11ac to be investigated (TBD) column (Ruben Salazar) Done – Column received from Apurva incorporated into r2 Open Issues: Average uplink cell spectral efficiency Mbps/Hz ( values, Should it be N/A because it is not sector/cell based. Action to coordinate with to find answers. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

12 Notes on Editing Y23: Need to determine spectral efficiency and formula Open Issues: Average uplink cell spectral efficiency Mbps/Hz ( values) Should it be N/A because it is not sector/cell based. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

13 Tuesday IoT TG Tim Godfrey, EPRI

14 Discussion on 802.15 IG DEP Explore collaboration with 802.3
Consider Licensed spectrum. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

15 Monday: 802.24.2 802.24.2 Liaison Coordinator's Report
Wael Diab Not Available IIC Liaison Report Any new liaison requests Request to explore liaison with Wi-Fi Alliance IoT Group. will initiate the liaison request (Action Wael) Tim Godfrey, EPRI

16 802.24.2 P2413 Liaison Report Relationship to 24.2 IoT White Paper
Ludwig Winkel Working as fast as possible on “thin draft” In WG Review currently. Decision in next meeting late March. April to June - circulate document to liaison partners before publishing When this become available, will notify members on the reflector. Not decided if it will be published as draft or edition 1. We will plan on more in-depth discussion in Berlin. To harmonize IEEE work with other bodies – ISO IEC JTC1 new SC 41. Action – plan additional slot for 24.2 in Berlin to discuss the P2413 draft. Invite automotive tutorial team to participate. Relationship to 24.2 IoT White Paper Can be use to explain to the 802 community how 802 fits into the overall IoT architecture Tim Godfrey, EPRI

17 802.24.2 Review and plan IoT white paper development
Chris DiMinico Discussion on IoT White Paper Draft r1 No updates since November Call for text contributions from members for this draft. Add a section to identify target markets and use cases (at high level), and map them to other standards/organizations, and to the relevant 802 standards. Also include IEC work in TSN profiles for industrial automation, and TC 65 (smart manufacturing) and TC 57 for utilities. Coordinate with TSN white paper. Profiles to improve compatibility – select the necessary functionality from amendments in multiple application domains. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

18 Wednesday 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG
Tim Godfrey, EPRI

19 Outline of TSN white paper
Captured as r0 Update for this meeting posted as r1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

20 Development Text contributions to the outline were requested by reflector Review any contributions Continue call for contributions Tim Godfrey, EPRI

21 802.24 TAG closing Capture action Items from this meeting
Wael: Initiate Liaison with Wi-Fi Alliance IoT TG Tim– plan additional meeting slot for 24.2 in Berlin to discuss the P2413 draft. Invite automotive tutorial team to participate. Tim: Wireless Matrix: Coordinate with to find spectral efficiency details Any New Business? None Adjourn to TSN (17:00) Saturna Island Room, Discovery Floor, Fairmont Hotel Tim Godfrey, EPRI

22 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

23 Future Opportunities Tracking (1)
white paper on IoT and P2413? Maybe more towards completion of P2413? Agnostic to underlying communications, but applicable to all 802 standards. Highlight the relationship between P2413 and 802 standards. (status as of March 2017 – wait until Thin Draft is available) Tim Godfrey, EPRI

24 Future Opportunities Tracking (2)
ULI Eventually, we can explain how it relates to the rest of 802, and better integration. Well defined ways of integrating. Take this up when there is a draft s SMR – spectrum management resources Can provide an input with respect to Smart Grid or IoT? IEC 65C WG 17 dealing with coexistence management and spectrum policy ETSI TCRRS reconfigurable radio systems ETSI TCERM WG 41 – defining a central coordination point to handle spectrum. Sharing and increasing coexistence and providing better QoS Coordinate with (TBD – check with Apurva) Action Plan: Coordinate with ULI initiative 4s resource management is defined, but now how they are used Status – March 2017 – preparing for sponsor ballot White paper could cover how adaptation and resource management are accomplished. Including use of metrics for management. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

25 Future Opportunities Tracking (3)
Are there any new utility industry activities or organizations that could benefit from a liaison to ? Useful Output: Identify the use cases that the standards serve, and provide them to the industry. That can then define who is an appropriate liaison Need to educate and inform liaisons to gather needs and requirements with respect to IEEE 802 projects. Identify the tools we have available, and present the available toolbox. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

26 Other Future Opportunities
Monitor the LPWAN IG in to see where it goes (and links to IETF) Report will outline use cases and technologies, and gaps. May form a SG TBD what the cross-WG aspect is. There may need to be even narrower band PHYs 24.1 should analyze the low-power utility use cases and application of LPWAN. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

27 Others Tim Godfrey, EPRI

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