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Workforce Education Update to AEAC

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1 Workforce Education Update to AEAC
Nancy Dick, Director, Workforce Education February 20, 2018

2 Quick facts about Workforce Education
47,000 FTE enrolled in workforce courses; nearly 2000 programs statewide 47% of CTC enrollment Program advisory committees with approximately 2000 employers 10 statewide Centers of Excellence are a bridge between our colleges and industries such as advanced manufacturing, IT, allied health, agriculture and clean energy $100 million/year in federal and state funding to support workforce students and our colleges Federal TANF (WorkFirst) SNAP E&T (BFET) Perkins State Worker retraining Aerospace, healthcare, early learning, workforce development, and more

3 Impact of WIOA & Guided Pathways
WIOA requires adult basic education students to be on a career pathway New opportunities for improved collaboration between adult basic education and workforce education on our campuses because of WIOA and guided pathways

4 K12 partnerships between CTE and Workforce Education
Aligning Perkins career clusters with meta-majors Improved opportunities for CTE dual-credit Strengthened programs of study leading to robust college pathways Partnership between SBCTC and OSPI

5 Working with low-income populations
DSHS goal to reduce poverty in our state by 50% by 2025 Improved braiding of funding Addressing campus needs for food/housing stability, transportation and childcare WorkFirst 24 month eligibility for vocational education WorkFirst work study Guided pathways equity work

6 Apprenticeship and work-based learning
NGA work-based learning policy academy Governor’s career connected learning initiative Youth apprenticeship Partnership with L&I Corrections apprenticeship program: collaboration between BEdA and Workforce Ed

7 Thank you. Questions? Note: All material except photos licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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