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Biotech Tools Review 2005-2006 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Biotech Tools Review 2005-2006 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotech Tools Review 1

2 Biotech Tools Review Recombinant DNA / Cloning gene DNA library
restriction enzyme, plasmids, bacteria DNA library cDNA library DNA hybridization Gel electrophoresis RFLP Southern blotting PCR Sanger sequencing Microarray

3 You want to produce human insulin cheaply for diabetics
Find your gene collect mRNA from pancreas cells What to do with the mRNA? 3

4 You want to produce human insulin cheaply for diabetics
What to do with the mRNA? make DNA mRNA  cDNA reverse transcriptase insert cDNA into bacteria using plasmids restriction enzyme ligase transformation How do you find which bacteria carry the recombinant plasmids? 4

5 You want to produce human insulin cheaply for diabetics
How do you find which bacteria carry the recombinant plasmid? amp resistance gene on plasmid LacZ gene plasmid plasmid amp resistance LacZ gene EcoRI BamHI HindIII Which colonies do we want? White ones!! 5

6 You want to produce human insulin cheaply for diabetics
How do you find which bacteria carry the insulin gene on the plasmid? make an insulin gene probe tagged probe hybridization 5’ 3’ labeled probe genomic DNA G A T C 6

7 What if you want to find out the full sequence of the human insulin gene?
Sanger sequencing dideoxynucleotides 7

8 What if you want to make a lot of copies of your sequenced gene?
PCR thermocycler primers Taq polymerase 8

9 You want to see if 2 people have differences in their insulin genes?
Gel electrophoresis & RFLP restriction digest run samples on gel see if there is a polymorphism 9

10 What if I want to locate a sequence on an electrophoresis gel?
Southern blot tagged probe 10

11 You want to test effect of drug on gene expression in pancreas?
Microarray collect mRNA mRNA  cDNA hybridize on GeneChip 11

12 Any Questions?? 12

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