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End Of Year Special Education Reporting

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1 2016-2017 End Of Year Special Education Reporting
Jeff Bittner 9/21/2018

2 Agenda Getting Started Templates
NEW “8271- Student Working Toward a CDOS Credential” What Reports are Certified? Pupils with Disabilities System (PD System) Level2 Reports Required PD Reports Federal Indicators VR-16 When is Data Due? CPSE to CPSE CPSE to CSE Transition Determination Phase continues beyond June 30th References 9/21/2018

3 Getting Started 9/21/2018

4 Getting Started Special Education End of Year reporting, verifying, and certification involves cooperation between the CPSE department, CSE department, Registration department, District Data Coordinator, and Building/District Administrators. Exports will be required from your Special Education Reporting Software as well as your Student Information System. The data will be reviewed on PD Reports and on Level2 SIRS Reports. Certification is done in the PD system and the IRS Portal. S.E. End of Year Reporting cheat sheet: 9/21/2018

5 Templates 9/21/2018

6 What Exports are Required?
Demographics - Grade level and credentials. Enrollment - Enrollment grade, dates, and locations. Program Facts: Including Type of Disability, 504, Safety Net, Alternate Assessment Eligible, Early Intervening Services (if applicable - VR-16), and Student Working Toward a CDOS Credential (and if they earned it). S.E. Events - Chain of events that occur during the evaluation of a student. (Reported for VR- 11, 12, & 14) (S.E. Events Cheat Sheet) S.E. EOY Snapshot - Preschool special education programs and services provided any time during the school year including services provided the summer prior to Kindergarten. (VR-13) (S.E. EOY Snapshot Cheat Sheet) Assessments - Required for districts identified for Indicator 7 only (VR-15), to capture Early Childhood Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) scores. 9/21/2018

7 S.E. Events Pre-School and School Aged students are included.
Made up of a chain of events that occur during the evaluation of a student. Events appear on VR- 14 – which is required for every LEA, every year. Events also populate on VR-11 & VR-12, however these LEAs report data for these reports on a rotating schedule (Federal Indicators will be covered in detail later) S.E. Events Cheat Sheet A description of the different codes used in S.E. Events can be found HERE. 9/21/2018

8 Example S.E. Events 9/21/2018

9 S.E. End Of Year Snapshot Anyone who had CPSE services this reporting year are included.
Preschool special education programs and services provided any time during the school year including children who received preschool special education services in July and August of 2016 prior to becoming school age (Kindergarten) students in September (VR-13) (S.E. EOY Snapshot Cheat Sheet) Includes Student ID, Snapshot Date = 7/1, Location, Primary Service Code, and Primary Service Provider A description of the codes applicable to S.E. End of Year Snapshot can be found here: 9/21/2018

10 Example S.E. End of Year Snapshot
Note: Any student with an S.E. End of Year Snapshot must be reported with a “ Preschool Student with a Disability” disability Program Fact record at some point during the school year in order to pass the Verification Checks on L0. 9/21/2018

11 Early Childhood Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) Assessments Required for districts identified for Indicator 7 only (VR-15) Assessment Scores on the following Subtest Identifiers:  COSF: Entry Level Social Emotional; and  COSF: Exit Level Social Emotional ; and  COSF: Progress Social Emotional; and  COSF: Entry Level Knowledge and Skills; and  COSF: Exit Level Knowledge and Skills; and  COSF: Progress Knowledge and Skills; and  COSF: Entry Level Behaviors; and  COSF: Exit Level Behaviors; and  COSF: Progress Behaviors Imported into L0 as an Assessment. 9/21/2018

12 Example COSF 9/21/2018

13 NEW CODE: 8271- Student Working Toward a CDOS Credential

14 8271- Student Working Toward a CDOS Credential
Level Designation: District-level service. Description: Indicates a student who is working towards but has not yet received a Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Credential. Entry Date: Date the student begins work to earn a CDOS. Exit Date: Date the student receives the CDOS or is no longer enrolled in a program that leads to a CDOS. Reason for Ending Code: 700 — Received a CDOS credential or 701 — Left program without receiving CDOS. 9/21/2018

15 8271 Student Working Toward a CDOS Credential
Work with your Guidance Office to determine what students are Working Toward a CDOS Credential. Student may be Special Ed or Regular Ed. Student may be working toward another credential (Regents Credential for example) as well. Student should be grade 9-12 or Ungraded Secondary (Grade 14). Do not end the 8271 code if a student transfers. Start Date is “Date the student begins work to earn a CDOS”. If this was in a previous school year, on Level0 the start date will be NYSED Memo on CDOS: 9/21/2018

16 Example Earned a CDOS In this example, the student earned their CDOS in January. 9/21/2018

17 What Reports are Certified?

18 Level 2 Reports and the PD System use the same credentials
*Level 2 Reports and the PD System use the same credentials. *Access is granted by the Superintendent in the SEDDAS Business Portal. NYSED Guides on entitling L2Rpts and PD access in SEDDAS: What Level2 and PD reports have Special Education data that must be certified? Level 2 SIRS Reports Most student data reports. Every report that identifies a student as having a disability, 504, Safety Net, NYSAA eligibility, or Student Working Toward a CDOS data. PD System Reports VR-13 and VR-14 are required for every district that has CSE or CPSE responsibility. VR-11, VR-12, and VR-15 reports are required for districts identified in the “Schedule for Data Submission for Federal Indicators”. Note: Indicator 7 = VR-15, Indicator 11 = VR-11, Indicator 12 = VR-12 VR-16 required only for district with disproportionality or those who budgeted up to 15% of their federal IDEA funds to provide CEIS. 9/21/2018

19 Pupils with Disabilities System (PD System)

20 Reports & Forms in the PD System
Every year, all LEAs with CPSE or CSE responsibility are required to report data and certify VR-13 and VR -14. In addition, LEAs are on a rotating schedule to report the Federal Indicator data. Only some of the Federal Indicators have data reported via the SIRS. VR-16 is only applicable to certain districts. Here is the list: PD forms and SR Reports are not populated from data reported via the SIRS. 9/21/2018

21 Pupils with Disabilities System (PD System)
Each District will only see the specific PD Reports they are responsible for certifying each year. VR-13 and VR -14 are required by every LEA, every year. The example district must certify VR-13, VR-14, and VR-15 Each Report includes an Exclusion Report and an Inclusion Report. These reports are used to verify the accuracy of data submitted for each student Exclusion Report lists students which meet some of the necessary criteria. Inclusion Report lists students that meet the necessary criteria The Potential Report lists student who may be included once the S.E. Snapshot OR S.E. Events data is submitted. Potential Report for VR-14 includes all students with reason for beginning enrollment code 5905 and Building of Enrollment code of a private nonpublic school 9/21/2018

22 PD System A blank VR report is indicative of no data to report. This may be accurate and still requires verification. In this case, an LEA will certify that "zero" data are accurate for that report. Once a report is Certified, it will no longer update with new data pushed from L0. Contact the Data Warehouse if you need a report “un-certified.” End Of Year PD Reports are certified one at a time. The “certify” button must be clicked on each report. The display and certification of the number of CDOS credentials in the PD system has been discontinued. The new “8271 – Student Working Toward a CDOS credential” with an ending code of “700- Received a CDOS credential” will be used to collect CDOS data. 9/21/2018

23 Other Forms on PD System
The PD Forms details found here: PD6 – Report of Personnel Employed or Contracted to Provide Special Education and Related Services to Students with Disabilities PD8 — Report of Students with Disabilities Subject of Disciplinary Removal Self Review (SR) Checklists details found here: 9/21/2018

24 Level 2 Reports 9/21/2018

25 Level 2 Reports All Level 2 Reports requiring certification should be reviewed for accuracy. Verify School Age Disabilities, Preschool Disabilities, NYSAA Eligibility, Safety Nets, Section 504 Plans, Student Working Toward a CDOS data, Students who earned a CDOS, and Early Intervening Services (for VR-16, if applicable). The “Students with Disabilities” subgroup is included in many of the Level 2 Reports. This is a subgroup that is used to determine District Accountability and includes “like student” criteria for calculation of Student and Teacher growth scores For example: SIRS-302 Tested/Not Tested Confirmation All Assessments Report and the Accountability SIRS Reports. 9/21/2018

26 Required PD Reports Each LEA only sees the PD Reports they are responsible for certifying each year. SED guide to all VR Reports - 9/21/2018

27 VR-13 Preschool Children Provided Programs and Services during 2016-17 School Year
This is a report of preschool children with disabilities for whom the school district has Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) responsibility and who were provided preschool special education services for any length of time during the school year. This includes children who received preschool special education services in July and August of 2016 prior to becoming school age (Kindergarten) students in September Students with the following records are included in this report: Enrollment record with reason for beginning enrollment code 0011 or 5905; and Building of Enrollment code is a valid code in SEDREF; and Age as of October 5, 2016 is 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 (New in L0, BEDS Day Age shown on Demo); and A disability Programs Fact record with code 5786 (preschool student with a disability) with date(s) that overlap with an enrollment date(s); and A S.E. End of Year Snapshot record with all of the following data elements: Primary Service Code Primary Service Provider Snapshot Date of July 1, 2016 9/21/2018

28 VR 14 - Parentally Placed Students in Nonpublic Schools who were Evaluated and Services for those Found to be Eligible VR 14 - Parentally Placed Students with Disabilities in Nonpublic Schools Located in the School District Who Were Evaluated During the School Year for Initial Determination of Special Education Eligibility and Services for those Found to be Eligible This report is your school district’s report of the numbers of parentally placed students in nonpublic schools located in your school district who received initial evaluations for special education eligibility determinations, and the numbers who were found to be eligible, and the numbers whose IEPs were implemented. Students with the following records are included in this report: Enrollment Records: Enrollment record between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 with reason for beginning enrollment code 5905; and Building of Enrollment code is a valid code in SEDREF; and Any of the following S.E. Event records are submitted: CSENP01 - receipt of initial referral of a parentally placed school-age student in a nonpublic school CSENP02 - receipt of written parent consent to evaluate the student CSENP03 - CSE meeting to discuss evaluation results CSENP04 - IEP or IESP or SP implementation 9/21/2018

29 Federal Indicators 9/21/2018

30 Federal Indicators New York State will collect data for Federal Indicators 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14 from a different group of one sixth (1/6) of the school districts on each indicator each year. Over a six year period all school districts that provide educational services to students with disabilities in grades K-12 will report data to the State on all of these indicators The School District Schedule for Data Submission for Federal Indicators can be found at: Only Three Federal Indicators are reported via the SIRS (Level0). Those are: Indicator 7: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. This data appears on VR-15. COSF Assessment must be reported. Indicator 11:  Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 days (or State established timeline). This data appears on VR-11. S.E. Events must be reported. Indicator 12:  Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays. This data appears on VR-12. S.E. Events must be reported. 9/21/2018

31 Federal Indicators NOT Reported via SIRS (Level0)
Three Federal Indicators are not reported via the SIRS (Level0) and do not have VR Reports. Indicator 8:  Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. (No VR Report) Indicator 13:  Percent of youth aged 15 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals. (No VR Report) Indicator 14:  Percent of youth who had IEPs, are no longer in secondary school and who have been competitively employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary school, or both, within one year of leaving high school. (No VR Report) 9/21/2018

32 VR-16 9/21/2018

33 VR 16 - Students Receiving Coordinated Early Intervening Services in the Preceding Two Years and Were Students with Disabilities in the School Year This report is your school district’s report of general education students who received Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) funded with up to 15 percent of IDEA federal funds in the and/or and/or school years. This report also includes students who were identified as students with disabilities during the school year, but who had received CEIS in the preceding two years prior to being classified. Students with the following records are included in this report: Enrollment Records: Student has an enrollment record for any length of time in one or more of the following school years, with reason for beginning enrollment code 0011, 5544, 5654, 5905, 7000 or 7011): Program Service Records: Student has a Program Service record with Code 5753 (Early Intervening Services) in any one or more school years , , or If the same student also has a Disability Program Service record, the “5753” service record must be before the beginning date of the disability record or after the ending date of the disability record. 9/21/2018

34 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) are NOT Pre-School Early Intervention Service.
Pre-School Early Intervention (EI) Coordinated Early Intervening Services serve students who are not identified as needing special-education or related services but who need additional academic and/or behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment. School districts may use up to 15 percent of their annual IDEA allocations to provide CEIS. Student getting CEIS get the 5753 Program Service Code and will appear on VR-16 CEIS NYSED Guidance Memo Early Intervention are services provided to age 0-2 year olds. These children may transfer to CPSE services at age 3. Do not appear in VR-16. 9/21/2018

35 Remember: Each District only sees the PD Reports they are responsible for certifying each year.

36 VR Report – Template Breakdown
In addition to Demographics, Enrollment, and Programs, the following are part of each report *VR 11 = Events *VR 12 = Events **VR 13 = EOY Snapshot **VR 14 = Events *VR 15 = COSF ***VR 16 = 5753 CEIS Program Code * Federal Indicators ** Required for all LEAs *** Only for LEAs doing CEIS with IDEA funds 9/21/2018

37 When is Data Due? 9/21/2018

38 When is Data Due? All Demographic, Enrollment, Program Facts, COSF assessments (if required), and S.E. Snapshot records must be reported correctly when the current school year data reporting freezes. The absolute last day to submit this data for the school year is August 23th. NERIC recommends you plan to have your data correct by August 9th. S.E. Events capture data through August 31st, so S.E. Event data must be updated in September. However, the Demographics, Enrollment, and Program Facts records for students in the S.E. Events must be reported correctly when the current school year data reporting locks (August 23rd). Demographics, Enrollment, and Programs Services can’t be pushed to Level1 after the data freeze. Use the Potential Report on the PD System to ensure all students included in S.E. Events have Demo, Enrollment and Programs reported by the deadline. S.E. Events must be reported by September 20th. EOY PD Reports were scheduled to start populating on the PD System on June 5th. Keep watching the Message Board on the PD System for an update. S.E. Data on Level2 Reports should be reviewed throughout the year. 9/21/2018

39 Table of due dates for all forms on PD for 2016-17
Printer Friendly table of Certification deadlines on the PD System for the school year 9/21/2018

40 PD Refresh of VR-13, 15, and 16 Data must be submitted to L1 on Wednesday in order to be refreshed on PD the following Monday. This applies to all SED Deadlines – including next slide. 9/21/2018

41 PD Refresh of VR 11, 12, and 14 Enrollment, demographic, assessment (including COSF), Special Education Snapshot (EOY) and disability program service records for those students who are potential submission records for the VR reports must be migrated to the Level 2 Student Data Repository no later than August 23, 2017. Data will be reviewable in the PD data system as the List of Potential Student Records to ascertain that all students eligible to be included in these reports are on the list with accurate information. 9/21/2018

42 CPSE to CPSE 9/21/2018

43 CPSE to CPSE Students who will be continuing in CPSE next year fall into two scenarios. Grade PS to Grade PS Grade PS (or Pre-K) to Grade Pre-K CPSE to CPSE Cheat Sheet can be found here: 9/21/2018

44 CPSE to CSE Transition 9/21/2018

45 CPSE to CSE Transition There are five scenarios students may fall into: Declassified by CPSE prior to Not Classified by CSE, NO Summer Services. (possible 504 in Kindergarten) Classified by CSE, NO Summer Services. Not Classified by CSE, Summer Services Provided. (possible 504 in Kindergarten) Classified by CSE, Summer Services Provided. 9/21/2018

46 5. Classified by CSE, Summer Services Provided.

47 5 – Classified by CSE with Summer Services - Enrollment

48 5 – Classified by CSE with Summer Services - Enrollment

49 5 – Classified by CSE with Summer Services -Programs

50 Classified by CSE, NO Summer Services.

51 3 – Classified by CSE with NO Summer Services - Enrollment

52 3 – Classified by CSE with NO Summer Services - Enrollment

53 3 – Classified by CSE with NO Summer Services - Programs

54 Determination Phase continues beyond June 30th

55 S.E. Events S.E. Events are made up of a chain of events that occur during the evaluation of a student. Each chain of events has one “Anchor Event”. Report any student whose “Anchor Event” took place during the current school year. Here are the Anchor Events for each type of chain. CPSE chain: date of receipt of parent consent to evaluate the preschool child. CSE chain: date of receipt of parent consent to evaluate the school age student. EI chain: date of receipt of referral for a child participating in the Early Intervention Program. CSENP chain: date of receipt of referral of a parentally placed school age student in a non-public school. Event Type Codes can be found at: 9/21/2018

56 S.E. End Of Year Snapshot Any student who received CPSE services this reporting year should be included in the S.E. End of Year Snapshot. Report S.E. Snapshot in the year a student has a “ Preschool Student with a Disability” disability record. 9/21/2018

57 Preschool-age students: If Parental Consent to evaluate is not received on or before June 30th
Do not enroll this student in current school year. Enrollment Entry Date: Date Parent consent has been received (this would be in the next reporting year) Entry Code: “Preschool-age students enrolled solely for determining eligibility for special education services” Enrollment Location: District (0000). Grade: PS S.E. Events will be exported in the year of enrollment. S.E End Of Year Snapshot will be exported only if the student is found eligible for CPSE. They will be reported in the year they receive CPSE services. 9/21/2018

58 Preschool-age students: If Parental Consent to evaluate HAS been received on or before June 30th:
Enrollment: Entry Date: Date Parent consent has been received Entry Code: “Preschool-age students enrolled solely for determining eligibility for special education services” Enrollment Location: District (0000). Grade: PS Exit Code - 140: “Special education eligibility status determined or determination process stopped for any reason” Exit Date - 06/30/20XX S.E Events will be reported in this year since this is the year the Anchor event occurred (for CPSE – this is Parental Consent to evaluate) No S.E. End Of Year Snapshot Reported this year since the Determination Phase continues into the next year and they were not a CPSE student this year. If, in next reporting year, Determined YES eligible: Enrollment Entry Code: “Enrollment in building or grade” Enrollment Location: Whoever is providing the special education services. Entry Date: The day they start getting services. Program Services Disability Code: “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start date must on or after date of 0011 enrollment. S.E. End Of Year Snapshot will be exported this year…the year they received services. If, in next reporting year, Determined NOT eligible: Report no Enrollment, Program Service, Events, or Snapshot records. 9/21/2018

59 References 9/21/2018

60 References NERIC DW -
SEDCAR: SpEd Codes - State Performance Plan School District Schedule for Data Submission for Federal Indicators - Instructions for VR Reports - S.E. Events Cheat Sheet - S.E. End Of Year Snapshot Cheat Sheet - S.E. End of Year Reporting Cheat Sheet - NYSED Guides on entitling L2Rpts and PD: NYSED Memo on CDOS: Printer Friendly table of PD Certification dates for all forms for the school year CPSE to CSE Guide: CEIS NYSED Guidance Memo: 9/21/2018

61 9/21/2018

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