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shimmer Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word in the selection is shimmer. Say it with me: shimmer. Something that shimmers shines or gleams softly. The stars shimmer in the sky. 2. En español, to shimmer quiere decir “despedir una luz trémula o intermitente.” Las estrellas despiden una luz trémula en el cielo. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word shimmer. (Point to the water.) This water shimmers when the sun shines on it. It gleams and sparkles in the light. PARTNER TALK 4. With a partner, make a list of things that shimmer. (Examples include: water, stars, grass with dew on it) 5. I’m going to name some things. With your partner, decide if each thing shimmers. If it does, say “It shimmers.” lighted candles a lump of clay a star a tree stump a car that has been washed and waxed 6. Now let’s say shimmer together three more times: shimmer, shimmer, shimmer. shimmer
eerie Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word in the selection is eerie. Say it with me: eerie. Something that is eerie is strange and scary. The old, empty house looked eerie in the moonlight. 2. En español, eerie quiere decir “que da miedo, espeluznante o espantoso.” La vieja casa vacía lucía espeluznante a la luz de la luna. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word eerie. (Point to the birds.) The blackbirds and the darkness make this place seem eerie. I would be scared to be there by myself. PARTNER TALK 4. Many sounds can give you an eerie feeling. With your partner, make some eerie sounds or hum an eerie tune. 5. Describe an eerie place to your partner. Tell what makes it eerie. 6. Now let’s say eerie together three more times: eerie, eerie, eerie. eerie
lurk Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 3 image.
1. One word in the selection is lurk. Say it with me: lurk. To lurk means “to stay out of sight and wait to do something.” When an animal lurks, it stays hidden or moves about quietly. The animal may be waiting to catch another animal for food. 2. En español, to lurk quiere decir “esconderse esperando hacer algo, estar al acecho.” Cuando un animal está al acecho, se esconde o se mueve silenciosamente. Puede estar esperando cazar a otro animal. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word lurk. (Point to the wolf.) This wolf lurks behind the ferns. It is waiting for a bird to fly by. Then it will jump out and try to catch the bird. MOVEMENT 4. Let’s pretend we are the wolf in the picture. Get down low next to your desk. Now let’s all jump out and catch the bird. 5. Now imagine you are a guest at a surprise party. Find a place to lurk until the guest of honor arrives. When I say, “The guest is here,” jump out and say, “Surprise!” 6. Now let’s say lurk together three more times: lurk, lurk, lurk. lurk
climate Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word in the selection is climate. Say it with me: climate. The climate of a place is what the weather is generally like throughout the year. The climate of a tropical rainforest is warm and rainy. 2. En español, climate quiere decir “el estado del tiempo anual de un lugar, clima.” El clima de la selva es cálido y lluvioso. 3. Climate in English and clima in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word climate. (Point to the desert.) This is a desert. The climate is hot and dry. It hardly ever rains in the desert. PARTNER TALK 5. Talk with your partner about what the climate is like where we live. Then share your ideas with the class. 6. How would you dress for the climate in each of these places? Tell your partner what you would wear and why. the North Pole (Examples include: coat, mittens, scarf, hat) a tropical beach (Examples include: shirt, shorts, swimsuit, sunglasses) the desert (Examples include: shorts, tee shirts, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen) 7. Now let’s say climate together three more times: climate, climate, climate. climate
silken Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. One word in the selection is silken. Say it with me: silken. Something that is silken is smooth, soft, and glossy, like silk. The horse’s silken coat gleamed in the sunlight. 2. En español, silken quiere decir “suave y lustroso como la seda, sedoso.” El pelaje sedoso del caballo brillaba a la luz del sol. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word silken. (Point to the spider’s web.) This web is spun from silken thread. Each strand of the web is smooth, soft, and shiny. PARTNER TALK 4. Imagine you are touching a shirt made of silken material. Tell your partner what the shirt feels like. (Examples include: smooth, silky, soft, slippery) 5. Here is a list of animals: alligator, porcupine, rabbit, turtle, cat. With your partner, decide which ones would feel silken if you petted them. (rabbit, cat) 6. Now let’s say silken together three more times: silken, silken, silken. silken
lumbering Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 6 image. 1. Another word in the selection is lumbering. Say it with me: lumbering. Lumbering means “moving in a heavy, clumsy way.” The bear came lumbering out of its cave. 2. En español, to lumber quiere decir “caminar con dificultad, con pasos lentos y pesados.” El oso salió caminando con pasos lentos y pesados de su cueva. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word lumbering. (Point to the Komodo dragon.) This large lizard is lumbering across the ground. MOVEMENT 4. Pretend you are a lumbering elephant. Show me how you would move. 5. Now let’s imagine we just finished a very large meal. We are lumbering because we feel heavy and sleepy. Let’s lumber around the classroom and then return to our seats. 6. Now let’s say lumbering together three more times: lumbering, lumbering, lumbering. lumbering
drench with Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
1. Drench with means “to make very, very wet with a liquid.” Say it with me: drench with. Drench with is another way of saying soak. 2. En español, to drench with quiere decir “empapar con líquido.” Es otra manera de decir “mojar.” 3. The girl in this picture is standing in the rain. The flowers she is holding are getting drenched with water, but the girl’s hat, coat and boots are keeping her dry. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. What would cause these things? the ground to be drenched with water rain, a sprinkler system a person to be drenched with sweat being nervous, being outside on a hot day, exercising the room to be drenched with sunlight an open window on a sunny day 5. Now I am going to say some sentences. Replace the words filled with with drenched with. The air was filled with the smell of flowers. The athlete’s uniform was filled with sweat. The soil in the pot was filled with water. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: drench with, drench with, drench with. drench with
streak across Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
1. To streak across is to move very fast across a surface, usually in a straight line. Say it with me: streak across. The comet streaked across the sky. 2. En español, to streak across quiere decir “pasar rápidamente, por lo general en línea recta.” El cometa pasó rápidamente, trazando una raya en el cielo. 3. The cheetah is streaking across the grassland. He is running very quickly. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to name some things. If you think the thing I say streaks across a surface, say “streaks across.” If not, don’t say anything. a shooting star a race car a tortoise a car with a flat tire a roadrunner 5. Each of the words I’m going to say means the same thing as streak across. Repeat each word. Then say “streak across.” dash bolt zip 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: streak across, streak across, streak across. streak across
on its heel Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
1. On its heel means “close behind something.” Say it with me: on its heel. If you are on something’s heels, you are following it very closely. The cop was on the robber’s heels until he tripped and the robber ran away. 2. En español, on its heel quiere decir “pisándole los talones, siguiendo muy de cerca.” Si le estás pisando los talones a alguien, estás que lo alcanzas. El policía seguía muy de cerca al ladrón, pero se tropezó y el ladrón escapó. 3. This cheetah is closely following a rabbit. The cheetah is on its heel. The cheetah hopes to catch the rabbit. MOVEMENT 4. Work with a partner. Show me what it would look like if you were on your partner’s heel. Then switch roles. 5. Now imagine you are a mouse with a cat on its heel. Show us what you would do. (Call students to the front to demonstrate.) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: on its heel, on its heel, on its heel. on its heel
on the move Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
1. If someone or something is on the move, it is moving forward and not standing still. Say it with me: on the move. Animals are often on the move in search of food. 2. En español, on the move quiere decir “en movimiento, que no está quieto.” Los animales en movimiento a menudo buscan qué comer. 3. These zebras are on the move. They are traveling together to a new place. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. If an animal is on the move, what might it be doing? (Call on volunteers to respond. Examples include: hunting, running from an enemy, grazing) 5. I’m going to say some activities. If you are on the move, say “on the move.” If not, don’t say anything. watching television running in a race reading a book going from the park to your home 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: on the move, on the move, on the move. on the move
hive Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. hive
nest Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. nest
burrow Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. burrow
den Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. den
shelter Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. shelter
crevice Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. crevice
Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.
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