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Gender Equity and Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Equity and Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Equity and Leadership
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender Equity and Leadership Top challenges and opportunities Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

2 Gender and leadership – why does it matter?
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender and leadership – why does it matter? What is your vision? Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

3 What is leadership? ICPS Gender Equity planning
Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

4 Why Gender equity matters in leadership
ICPS Gender Equity planning Why Gender equity matters in leadership What are the key issues around leadership in Gender Equality in your organisation? In the Sector in which you are working ? Regional differences A question of unlocking potential Releasing full capacity Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

5 Best Leadership - qualities
ICPS Gender Equity planning Best Leadership - qualities In twos 10 minutes Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

6 World Bank DFID WEF UNDP
ICPS Gender Equity planning Post Crash stock taking World Bank DFID WEF UNDP Women when in legislature tend to fight for legislative change which is of impact and benefit to women’s situation Scandinavia – Gender Equity and impact in legislation, economic and societal equity Board representation – broader more innovative, inclusive yet less high risk taking behaviours. Localities – more equal boards find more sustainable options, and benefit streamed into the locality – Water boards Uganda Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

7 Gender inequality Look at report for sectors
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender inequality Look at report for sectors Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

8 Economic performance WEF data IMF data
ICPS Gender Equity planning Economic performance WEF data IMF data Explore differentials on performance Gender inequality indicators Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

9 Reports to become aware of
ICPS Gender Equity planning Reports to become aware of World Bank assessment on women leaders Developing leadership in constituencies Recognition of ‘informal leadership’ Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

10 ICPS Gender Equity planning
What is leadership The soft-minded man always fears change. He feels security in the status quo, and he has an almost morbid fear of the new. For him, the greatest pain is the pain of a new idea Martin Luther King Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

11 Who are the leaders? Duty holders Organisations Gender Beacons
ICPS Gender Equity planning Who are the leaders? Duty holders Organisations Gender Beacons Political voices Individual, teams, corporate, Nation States Advocates Business Sector – Corporate Responsibility Local leadership and Voice Within your teams – organisations Opinion formers and thought leaders Acquiring leverage, networking, alliances. Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

12 Leadership Styles Democratic: the rise of the group
ICPS Gender Equity planning Leadership Styles Democratic: the rise of the group Transactional leaders focus their leadership on motivating followers through a system of rewards and punishments. There are two factors which form the basis for this system, Contingent Reward and management-by-exception Transformational – energised, inspiring, committed, raises personal and group performance Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

13 Gender and Boards - Mainstreaming
ICPS Gender Equity planning Davies Reports UK Mainstreaming Your organisation? Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

14 Leadership – Gender as alternative culture
ICPS Gender Equity planning Leadership – Gender as alternative culture To watch Gap Minder – Political representation Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

15 Gendered aspects to Leadership
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gendered aspects to Leadership Why Gendered equality significant Brainstorm – Sectors – why it might make a difference What are the blocks to leadership being ‘gender equitable’ – culturally What are some of the questions you bring to this issue Where are the internal/ external blocks Where is momentum/ leadership for change? Map your stakeholders in this work Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

16 Building Resilience What is resilience How is it sustained
ICPS Gender Equity planning Building Resilience What is resilience How is it sustained Why is it important Systems thinking around long term change / reversals / long term vision Examples What are you putting in place for your own development What has your organisation in place to assist resilience Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

17 Women Leaders: the current context
ICPS Gender Equity planning Women Leaders: the current context Women leaders are more persuasive than their male counterparts. When feeling the sting of rejection, women leaders learn from adversity and carry on with an "I'll show you" attitude. Women leaders demonstrate an inclusive, team-building leadership style of problem solving and decision making Women leaders are more likely to ignore rules and move into innovation as a way forward CALIPER STUDY 2005/ Caliper Women Leaders Research White Paper Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

18 Why the Best Man is a Woman
ICPS Gender Equity planning Why the Best Man is a Woman including a willingness to reinvent the rules; an ability to sell their visions; the determination to turn challenges into opportunities; and a focus on 'high touch' in a high tech business world. Context : Why the Best Man for the Job is a Woman : Esther Wachs Book Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

19 Representation of women’s interests?
ICPS Gender Equity planning Representation of women’s interests? Challenge of differentiation between ‘elite’ interests and those of the wider population – especially poor rural women located in the informal economy Participation in some of the same challenges – inheritance, land ownership, economic independence in marriage, (opening up bank a/cs holding credit) child marriage, access to education, health care, maternity issues Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

20 Intersectionality Wealth Health Education Ethnicity Religion Rural/
ICPS Gender Equity planning Intersectionality Wealth Health Education Ethnicity Religion Rural/ Urban Elite Power narrative Participation in Political and economic power Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

21 Gender mainstreaming and leadership
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender mainstreaming and leadership Key gains of Gender mainstreaming Key Barriers to Gender mainstreaming Gender mainstreaming Entry Points Your organisation and sector (Gaps / Need to know / Data / vision) Feedback Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

22 Great Leaders and their communities
ICPS Gender Equity planning Great Leaders and their communities Exercise – key values Within ADB processes looked for Self-leadership Galvanising vision – mobilising aligning values Post it notes Whiteboard What inhibits female leaders from emerging? Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

23 Gender Equality #He for She
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender Equality #He for She Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

24 Things that struck? Feedback Positive words about leadership?
ICPS Gender Equity planning Things that struck? Feedback Positive words about leadership? Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

25 Gender equality: men and women equal rights
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender equality: men and women equal rights What are the gender tags which inhibit? Social intelligence Sexualisation - unattractive / too sexualised Equality in pay Bodily integrity – who owns whose body? (female safety VAW) Policy and decision making Educational rights – what inhibits full and equal access to education Health care Entry into formal sector Financial support for business development What needs to change where you are working? What can you do? Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

26 Gender issues and men getting involved
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender issues and men getting involved Males’ formal invitation to become involved #He for She –Gender as a spectrum Defining by who we are and become freer FREEDOM – daughters sisters Males to be vulnerable – more complete version Where are the pinch points in your community? What high level vision needs setting? Where are the key women stakeholders? Where are the champions for Gender mainstreaming? What is the talent pipeline looking like in your organisatoin? What needs to ‘give’ for women to lead – Lean in AND What do women require systemically in order to be invested with societal/ business / organisational leadership Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

27 Reflection ICPS Gender Equity planning
Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

28 Education gender equality map
ICPS Gender Equity planning Education gender equality map 93% globally Literacy, business, higher education Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford WEF Report 2014

29 Gender Leadership within your organisation -
ICPS Gender Equity planning Gender Leadership within your organisation - Education and opportunity - Stretch Experiences / Business, Political Leadership and rising leaders Networks (Homosociality/ #He for She) Accessing finance (#He for She) Significant stakeholder engagements Coaching to strengthen resilience, bite back, focus, counter risk aversion, negotiation skills, create supportive back-up, build their wider support for domestic and caring roles. What Else? Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

30 Why Gender equal leadership important - How to leverage AP
ICPS Gender Equity planning Why Gender equal leadership important - How to leverage AP Political Economic Social Familial / Community Religious Look at UNIHR plan for action – and stakeholding again Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

31 Gender Leadership ICPS Gender Equity planning
Day 2 Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford

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