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Please type you name in the chat box! 6 November 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Please type you name in the chat box! 6 November 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please type you name in the chat box! 6 November 2014
SFP Webinar #2 Please type you name in the chat box! 6 November 2014

2 Welcome It’s National School Meals Week! House keeping for today

3 Overview Key questions … Pupil voice School lunch redesign
1 minute top tip Q&A’s

4 Key questions … What things have you tried out this half term?
Tell us about one particular success story that you feel has worked in your school. Tell us how you are getting a higher profile for food issues in your school  or plan to?

5 A Quick and Easy guide to the School Food Champions Secret Weapon
Pupil Voice A Quick and Easy guide to the School Food Champions Secret Weapon

6 What are Covering Today?
The 5 W’s (What, Why, When, Where, Who) How to get it, harness it and use it How it becomes a powerful tool for a School Food Champion

7 The 5 W’s of Pupil Voice What?
Pupil Voice, is what it says on the tin… it is the collective voice of the pupils in your school Their thoughts, opinions, preferences, feedback, ideas NOT JUST WHAT THEY SAY Pupil Voice is also very clearly outlined in what they DO… Their Actions are a critical part of pupil voice as their words and actions can say two different things so it’s important to discern the two.

8 The 5 W’s of Pupil Voice When?
Pupil Voice can be obtained and any point Tutor Time Assembly Lessons Parents Evenings Special Events Best time to get the a good proxy for their voice is at lunchtime You get to see both what they say and do

9 The 5 W’s of Pupil Voice Where?
You can get to hear the voice of your students both online and offline If permitted, social media is an excellent way to gather the opinions of your students, as it is a medium they are used to. Other online methods like surveys are a great way of capturing their opinions Offline, gives even more opportunities to think of creative ways to get their opinions, and preferences

10 The 5 W’s of Pupil voice Who?
There are many good candidates who can help to get to understand your pupils voice Form Tutors Subject Teachers Independent parties The most powerful way to get pupil voice is using students to get fellow students opinions information or feedback That often results in more honest and comprehensive feedback if properly planned

11 The 5 W’s of Pupil voice Why?
This is the most important W of all “To create is to own” Pupil voice is a critical way to transform you school food from something done to them, to something they are part of and create It’s their role in shaping the service, therefore having the chance to impact upon it. It is the key way to transform the perception of the service, the uptake of the meals and the long term understanding and perception of nutrition and food – if done correctly.

12 How to get, use and Harness pupil voice

13 Becoming the SFCs Secret Weapon
Pupil Voice will become your secret weapon to transform you school food culture if you: Make it relevant Make it regular You act upon it and demonstrate that their voice counts You communicate the plans you have based on their opinions

14 Final Thoughts You don’t have to give them all that they ask for
You just need to show you are listening… you respect their opinions… They have the right to change their minds…. (regular feedback)

15 And now for some Key questions
Thank you And now for some Key questions

16 Key questions … Are they are issues holding you back that we or others can help you with? What are the biggest challenges you face? Has your number of school lunch increased at all?

17 School lunch redesign Power of the pupil voice! Resources in the Transformation section Short design and make assignment Homework or club activity Blog it Competition Recipe book Get school caterer /school leaders/ pupils/ parents/ local press involved in judging Make a big splash with the presentations Ambassador available -

18 Why will this work? To bring together school catering services and Cooking and Nutrition in the curriculum Student led choice – engaging pupils to design healthier school lunches and promote ownership, marketing their own ideas Positive impact upon a whole school food culture Provide healthier food options, meeting standards Meet national curriculum teaching requirements and update your scheme of work

19 Springboard (The body that run FutureChef) will supply you with a contact for a local Chef – to work with your pupils designing and making new school lunches. You can also enter them for the competition Here are your regional contacts

20 Key questions … Do you feel you are on track with the programme?
What are you going to work on from now until end of term?

21 One minute top tip: Getting pupils and others engaged
The Catering Manager and SFC have a 100 word slot on the school’s weekly news letter. The SFC gives a staff update on cross curricular opportunities and activities regularly. The School Food Action Committee help the School Food Champion to consult on the Menu Each term. Healthy choices are rewarded by giving out house points, so students encourage each other to get involved. The students design and make school lunches which they test. The School Leadership Leads an Annual whole school food audit, and publishes the results and the resultant strategy on the website

22 Q&A Session Questions to the team


24 Monthly checklist November 1 Collect and upload school lunch data
1 Collect and upload school lunch data Webinar th November - National School Meals week- make a splash Designing and Making School Lunches project at KS3 Futurechef involvement in school lunch design and cooking with pupils or running lunchtime tastings Build in opportunities for them to present their ideas and peer promotion 2 Designing and making School lunches Use inspiration idea – themed event – plan Xmas lunches/social dining 3 Carry out an audit of food teaching across all subjects Briefing of staff on consistent teaching messages 4 Reviewing progress on Action Plan Think about promotions and rewards December Presentations of new lunch ideas Family tastings, publicity, engagement strategies, surveys Xmas lunches/social dining Promotional tools – fresh start new Year, pupil pledges Christmas Break! Put 15th January in your diary – it’s the next webinar

25 Thank you Thanks for joining us Recording – link sent to you
Diary date – next webinar: 15 January 2015 Evaluate this event – link (please complete) Keep up the great work!

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