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Tang and Song China 618-907 (Tang) 960-1279 (Song)

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Presentation on theme: "Tang and Song China 618-907 (Tang) 960-1279 (Song)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tang and Song China (Tang) (Song)

2 Origins of the Tang Followed the Sui dynasty in early 580s
Founded by Li Yuan Combined with son Tang Taizong, laid foundation for China’s golden age Expanded empire into North China, Korea, and as far west as Afghanistan

3 Restoration of Bureaucracy & Religion
Increased power of scholar-gentry bureaucrats over aristocrats Bureaucrats educated in Confucianism Exams became for difficult and expanded; those who passed most difficult exams called jinshi Could rise in social status by performing well on exams Mahayana (commoners) and Zen (elite) Buddhism Will have great influence on both Japan and Korea

4 Fall of Tang & Rise of Song
Empress Wu ruled from 755- An Lushan leads revolt against Tang due to Emperor Xuanzong’s neglect of the state Nomads (originally Tang allies) exploited political weaknesses to gain power Song dynasty founded by Emperor Taizu

5 Song Dynasty Superiority of Confucianism and Daoism over Buddhism
Zhu Xi: Neo-confucianism Personal morality is highest goal for humans Upheld patriarchy Less open to outside ideas Eventually fall to Jurchen invaders

6 Achievements of Tang and Song China
Building of the Grand Canal- linked major Chinese cities for trade and communication Built by forced labor Expansion of trade along Silk Roads Exported manufactured goods, imported luxury items Paper money first used during Tang era Champa rice expands Chinese population Song capital at Hangzhou was most sophisticated city in the world Inventions such as wheelbarrow, gunpowder, magnetic compasses, abacus, moveable type, porcelain

7 Technology Advertisement due Friday
You are an entrepreneur in China during the Tang/Song dynasties. You have recently invested in a business that has produced a wonderful technological innovation (you can choose any that we just learned about or look a different one up-just make sure it’s accurate!) and you have decided to create an advertisement. Here’s what you’ve decided to include: Your company’s name and logo A picture of your wonderful new product A description of how your product works-how does it make life easier? (You will have to look this up or use logical reasoning!) Why should people buy it? Describe the positive impact it will have on their lives. Remember, companies sell products by making catchy ads! Add color, be creative, be neat and think outside the box! **If you need inspiration, some really impressive ads from previous years are hanging up to the left of the Word Wall and in the hallway**

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