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Specially Designed Instruction

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1 Specially Designed Instruction
Presented 10/10/09 Mary Ellen Mela Dan Fox Kim Worrell

2 The Big Picture for today
Simulation- reasons to level the playing field Genesis- Icon can serve as a daily reminder to all. IEP contents- How to “read one” Specially Designed Instruction Definition Common accommodations Wrap-Up Activity Time to review ind. IEP’s Kim Our goal is to model some Universal Design strategies (good teaching practices) as we present. Universal Design Previewing materials is critical for students to know what’s coming and for those who like to see the big picture first.

3 I susgect th at thechil b wi tha learn ing disadility mu stfre quent lyex ger i                e               n                 o                    e a n alicein won berl an bex is ten ceof the wef in b tba tthe ymu st co ge wi tha n unsta dlew or lb in consistentabul tsa nd haphaza r b gerceg tio nsthey rec on Fuseb dyth erca zys ym dols we piv them gress ureb dy t he leng tho ft imei nwic hto b oi tamb frus tra ted dy regea teb fa ily resth eybo no tlear no hetra bit lon alw ayamb sow ern u stte achth embif Fere ntly. Dan

4 I suspect that children with learning disabilities must frequently experience an "Alice in Wonderland" existence. Often we find that they must cope with an unstable world, inconsistent adults and haphazard perceptions. They're confused by crazy symbols we give them, pressured by the length of time in which to do it and frustrated by repeated failures. They do not learn the traditional way, so we must teach them differently. Dan

5 IEPs in Genesis You can set your profile so that a folder appears next to each student with an IEP in your classes. In Genesis, click profile tab. Click Open for the profile you work with Scroll down to check YES for “Display IEP icon 1. Click Gradebook 2. Click Profiles KIM 3. Check Yes to display IEP icon

6 IEP Sections Demographics, cover sheet, signatures
Present Ed. Levels- testing, progress in general ed. Curriculum, progress towards meeting current IEP goals, strengths, areas of need. PSSA and 4 Sight accommodations Transition (students turning 14+) Mary Ellen

7 IEP Sections (cont.) Goals- IEP teacher will need evidence to report progress toward meeting goals Specially Designed Instruction / services Legally obligated to provide the identified strategies. Educational Placement The blue text indicates sections that general ed. Teachers need to aware of. Reiterate legal obligation to provide SDI IEP teachers will need evidence to report progress toward IEP goals Evidence may include writing samples grades on tests/ homework (we can access grade book to check on this.) Generally focus is in content areas for study skills goals daily/ weekly observation

8 Specially Designed Instruction
Accommodations the IEP team has deemed appropriate. Help level the playing field. Not meant to give any students an unfair advantage. Provide necessary supports for students to make progress in the general ed. Curriculum. ALL?

9 Lesson Presentation Preview strategies Visual aids
Objectives Overview Visual aids Pair visual with auditory (multimodality approach) Repetition Skeletal outlines, maps, webs for notes Universal Design for Learning From CAST Word walls Visual cues Review Meet a variety of learning styles Research based practices Vary instruction Provide routines Structure transitions Kim

10 Assignments/ work sessions
Extra time Simplify complex tasks Structured written routine Breaks/ shortened work sessions. Assignments written in consistent place Limit items per page Remind students to recheck work Reduce length of homework/ classwork Use of calculator Limit board copying Mary Ellen

11 Test Taking Shorter sections Fewer choices Allow extra time
Test items read aloud Word bank Small group environment Dan: What accommodations do you feel are necessary on PSSA? These accommodations should also be appropriate for classroom assessments.

12 Test Taking Test Adaptation Guide Samples
Kim: Test Adaptation Guide provides strategies for teachers to adapt tests. Special Ed. Teachers can also assist in adapting tests. Test adaptation doesn’t necessarily mean changing what is being assessed. You are changing how you assess. Dan: Suggestions Samples- Mary Ellen

13 Organization Folders for each subject
Older grades: binder with a section for each subject Homework folders Consistent routines Homework assignments posted LS teacher often works one-one with highly disorganized students DAN: Inform appropriate grade level team member of homework so it can be posted on team pages 7th grade: 8th grade: Ivan Discuss individual organizational needs with LS teachers

14 Wrap-Up Kim

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