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Warm Up 1/30 Name one thing you think our class can do better/that you will do better this semester to help our class be successful learners. Write in.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1/30 Name one thing you think our class can do better/that you will do better this semester to help our class be successful learners. Write in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 1/30 Name one thing you think our class can do better/that you will do better this semester to help our class be successful learners. Write in your notebook AND write on a sticky note and stick it on the board. If yours is already there, stick it together with the duplicate.

2 January 30, 2018 Objectives: Understand the 8 stages of Genocide
Turn in: Take out: Something to write with Agenda: Genocide and Rwanda intro Objectives: Understand the 8 stages of Genocide Upcoming Dates 1/31: Please bring research papers 2/2: Hotel Rwanda notes due

3 We learn better together so let’s help each other!
Semester 2 Class Rules We will participate! Be brave and answer questions. I will start cold calling on people so be ready. We learn better together so let’s help each other!

4 NO cell phones out (unless directed otherwise)
Semester 2 Class Rules NO cell phones out (unless directed otherwise) If I see it, it’s mine Class WILL start on time! If you are not seated by start time, you will be marked tardy. Emergencies are allowed, but use bathroom before you get here!

5 Volume levels during assignments
Semester 2 Class Rules Volume levels during assignments 0 = Totally silent 1 = quiet whispers only 2 = quiet talking only (partner discussions, turn and talk etc.) 3 = inside voice discussion for energetic large discussions only When I am lecturing you are at 0 or 1 ALWAYS! 1 only if asking clarifying questions to your neighbor

6 Semester 2 Class Rules Repeated violations of these rules will have the following consequences: Late dismissal (1-2 minutes) Parent s Disciplinary referrals Loss of daily participation points (Please don’t make me do this)

7 Semester 2 Class Rules We are here to learn. You are to help each other learn by being RESPECTFUL. Show that respect to us and each other by giving your best academic effort and behavior.

8 Genocide - Background on conflict in Rwanda

9 Definition Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious or national group.

10 Stage 1: Classification
“Us versus them” Distinguish by nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion. Bipolar societies (Rwanda), no mixed class, most likely to have genocide because no way for classifications to fade away through inter- marriage.

11 Stage 2: Symbolization Names: “Jew”, “German”, “Hutu”, “Tutsi”.
Languages. Types of dress. Group uniforms: Nazi Swastika armbands Colors and religious symbols: Ex: Yellow star for Jews

12 Stage 3: Dehumanization
One group denies the humanity of another group, and makes the victim group seem subhuman. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. . Der Stürmer Nazi Newspaper: “The Blood Flows; The Jew Grins” Kangura Newspaper, Rwanda: “The Solution for Tutsi Cockroaches”

13 Stage 4: Organization Genocide is a group crime, so must be organized.
The state usually organizes, arms & financially supports the groups that conduct the genocidal massacres Plans are made by elites for a “final solution” of genocidal killings. “Hutu Power” elites armed youth militias called Interahamwe

14 Extremists drive the groups apart.
Stage 5: Polarization Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast and print polarizing propaganda. Laws are passed that forbid intermarriage or social interaction. Attacks blamed on targeted groups – something bad happens, must be “their” fault

15 Deported to famine struck areas-starvation
Stage 6: Preparation Death lists Victims are separated & segregated because of their ethnic or religious identity. Deported to famine struck areas-starvation

16 Stage 7: Extermination (Genocide)
Extermination begins, and becomes the mass killing legally called "genocide." Most genocide is committed by governments. Einsatzgrupen: Nazi Killing Squads

17 Denial is always found in genocide, both during it and after it.
Stage 8: Denial Denial is always found in genocide, both during it and after it. Denial extends the crime of genocide to future generations of the victims. It is a continuation of the intent to destroy the group. The tactics of denial are predictable.


19 Rwanda Genocide Background
Hutu: 85-90% Tutsi: 10-14% Twa: 1-2% “Tutsi” were originally the Rwandans who had the most wealth (cattle). Considered to be taller, with longer noses (more European).

20 Rwanda Genocide Background
Colonized by the Germans after the Berlin Conference. Taken by the Belgians after WWI (1918) Hutus-majority (85-90%) Tutsis-minority (10-15%) They speak the same language. There is no genetic difference. The Belgians create this “race” difference

21 Rwanda Genocide Background
Germans and Belgians used the Tutsi to rule over the Hutu. Before colonization, these were social labels, not racial labels. The Belgians labeled people as Tutsi or Hutu: Height, facial features, eye color, build If they couldn’t tell: more than 10 cows makes you a Tutsi. Gave the Tutsi power, education

22 Hutu and Tutsi

23 Although the Tutsi constituted only about ten percent of Rwanda's population and the Hutu nearly 90 percent, the Belgians gave the Tutsi all the leadership positions. This upset the Hutu.


25 Rwanda Genocide Background
Rwanda gains independence in 1962 Becomes Hutu led state 1990: Tutsi rebels launch Civil War against Hutu Majority

26 1994 Hutu Majority in power. Tutsis are kept out of government.
Hutu still angry about colonization. Tutsi form rebel groups Thus, the Hutus then form rebel groups

27 Rwanda: The Interahamwe is a militia, an unofficial Hutu army.
“Those who strike as one fist” “Those who work together” Made up mostly of young men. Blame the Tutsis for all of the problems of Rwanda. Organized (connections to the official military)

28 Interhamwe

29 The Arusha Accords Peace between Hutu and Tutsi
April, 1994 The Hutu President’s plane is shot down. He is killed and this sparks an uprising

30 Who shot the plane down? Still a mystery…

31 Hotel Rwanda Great movie. Tells the story of April-May, 1994 in Rwanda Tells the true story of Paul Rusesebagina, a hotel manager. Paul is a Hutu. His wife is a Tutsi.

32 Characters General Bizimungu: Hutu Rwandan Military leader

33 Characters George Rutagunda: Hutu businessman Interhamwe leader

34 Dube: Tutsi hotel worker

35 Gregoire: Hutu employee

36 Regular people, Impossible choices

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