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How to Manage Conflicting Priorities

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Presentation on theme: "How to Manage Conflicting Priorities"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Manage Conflicting Priorities
2/24/2011 Work -- Personal Life -- School? Managing Conflicting Priorities: Making Decisions About What Is Important And What Is Not Kathleen E. High, M.Ed., GCDFI Education & Career Consultant Dream Chasers & Goal Setters Kathleen E. High, Adjunct Counselor, Cypress College

2 Why this workshop? Personal Experience: Professional Experience:
18 years as a community college student (pursuing a 2-year degree) Finished 120 units in two years at the university Spent the next two years obtaining my master’s degree What was the difference? Learned how to identify priorities Professional Experience: Teach a variety of “college success skills” classes Discovered I was pretty typical Most students struggle with the same issues I did Conclusion: Most students have difficulty knowing how to prioritize Many adults in transition also have difficulty prioritizing Academic Success Career & Life Planning Career Exploration Academic & Life Success Educational Planning Freshman Seminar

3 How Do You Determine Priorities?
YOU NEED TO DECIDE WHERE YOUR PRIORITIES ARE You are the one who knows the intricate details of your life You will be the one to live with the consequences of how you prioritize There is no magic answer…. But, there are a few things to consider: Awareness of Self Different Types of Needs “Needs vs. “Wants” Values Dreams Goals The “Rules” Consequences Tools for Determining Your Priorities

4 Awareness of Self - Who Are You?
Ask: Who Am I? Generation Personality Interests Culture Values Dreams and Goals “Season of Life” Role(s) Responsibilities Boundaries

5 Awareness of Self Who Are You? (Cont’d)
Follow Up Activities: Take Career Assessments for Self Awareness Meet with your case manager Consider Taking Classes: Career Exploration Academic & Life Success Handouts: Culture, Education & Unspoken Expectations Boundaries Generational Values

6 Different Types of Needs (Maslow)

7 “Needs” vs. “Wants” Sometimes the challenge is in not recognizing the difference Ask: What Are My “Needs”? Ask: What Are My “Wants”? Follow Up Activities: Take Career Assessments See Your Case Manager or a Career Counselor Handouts: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Culture, Education & Unspoken Expectations

8 “Needs vs. Wants”

9 Values Ask: What is important to you? Follow Up Activities: Family
Work Education Career Moral Integrity Independence Spiritual Life Etc. Follow Up Activities: Take Career Assessments Handouts: Success Opportunity vs Security Values Survey Culture, Education & Unspoken Expectations

10 Dreams Ask: What do you want for your life? Follow Up Activities:
Career Family Financial Education Independence Travel Own your own business Retirement Follow Up Activities: Workshops: Empowering You: Job Seeker Strategies Take Career Assessments Classes: Take a Career Planning Class Handouts: TimeLine Dream Chaser’s & Goal Setter’s Journey Success

11 (i.e. How will you get there?)
Goals Ask: Have You Set Goals to Achieve Your Dreams? What Do You Need to Do To Achieve Them? (i.e. How will you get there?) What Are Your Short-Term Goals? What Are Your Mid-Range Goals? What Are Your Long-Term Goals? Follow Up Activities: Workshops : Job Seeker Strategies How to Get Your Dream Career Handouts: TimeLine Dream Chaser’s & Goal Setter’s Journey Reaching Career Goals Setting Effective Goals

12 The “Rules” What are the “rules” (official policy, actual law, informal) Are the “rules” legitimate? (Official vs. Unofficial) Are the rules current and still in effect, or have they changed? Who established the rule? (Is their authority legitimate?) If differing authorities create conflicting rules, which authority takes rank? (i.e. importance, power, etc.) If rules conflict with each other, which rule takes rank? Will there be consequences if you disobey the rule? If a conflict in consequences, which consequences would be greater?

13 Deadlines Are their deadlines involved? If yes –
What would be the consequences for not meeting the deadline? Are the consequences greater for one missed deadline than for another?

14 Codes of Ethics Many professions have an official “Code of Ethics”
Read the actual code itself Ask yourself: What codes are of issue? What does it say? What is the ‘spirit’ of the code? What would be the consequences if the codes are violated? Consult with another professional/supervisor if in doubt

15 Consequences What will happen if you DO this thing?
What will happen if you do NOT do this thing?

16 Time to Identify Your Priorities
What is Your Season of Life? What is Important? / What is Urgent? Rank Your Priorities Rank Your Sacrifice Items What Can Wait? Are Your Goals and Priorities Taking You in the Same Direction?

17 Current Season of Life? Dependency Play Independence/Self-Sufficiency
Sacrifice Survival Care for Self Breaking Care for Family Solitude/Isolation Learn Introspection Work Restoration Rest New Beginnings

18 What Is Important / What is Urgent
Ask: What is Important? What did you identify before? Ask: What is Not Important? Anything that interferes with “Important” Ask: What is Urgent? Will happen if I ignore this? Major Negative Consequences! Ask: What is Not Urgent? Answer: Nothing Serious! Follow Up Activities: Workshop: Empowering You: Job Seeker Strategies Meet with Case Manager Handouts: Discerning Seasons Covey’s Quadrants Priority Clarification Exercise Priority/Goal Alignment Managing Financial Responsibilities Difficult Choices

19 Ranking Priorities What is so important that you don’t want to loose it? What is Priority Number 1 What is Priority Number 2 What is Priority Number 3 What is Priority Number 4 What is Priority Number 5 Note: Notice there is no such thing as two Priority #1’s There is only ONE #1, and then you have ONE #2

20 Ranking Sacrifice Items
What is not important, and that you are willing to give up to maintain your priorities? What is Sacrifice Item Number 1 What is Sacrifice Item Number 2 What is Sacrifice Item Number 3 What is Sacrifice Item Number 4 What is Sacrifice Item Number 5 Note: These items must be different from your list of priorities – This is what you would be willing to give up to keep your priorities

21 What Can Wait? “What can wait without incurring major consequences?”
One Hour One Day One Week One Month One Year Until Payday The end of the semester A more convenient time

22 Priorities & Goals – Going the Same?
What Are Your Goals? What Are Your Priorities? Are They in Alignment? (Going the Same Direction) If not, you will NOT achieve your goals If Not in Alignment, What Do You Do? Change Your Goals - or - Change Your Priorities

23 Wrap Up Reminder: Who should determine your priorities?
What do you need to consider? Who are you? “Needs vs. “Wants” Values Goals Tools for Clarifying Your Priorities Ask yourself? Based on what you learned today, ask yourself: Do you have a general sense of where your priorities should be? How are you going to “prioritize learning how to prioritize”? What next steps should you take based on what you learned?

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