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WWI Vocabulary Ms. Gliot.

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1 WWI Vocabulary Ms. Gliot

2 -loyalty to a person, group, or cause
1. Allegiance -loyalty to a person, group, or cause

3 2. “Big Stick Policy” - A mandate that European Powers should not colonize Central and South America

4 3. Biological Warfare - Using bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi with intent to kill or incapacitate humans.

5 6. Ceasefire - Agreeing to stop war for a period of time.

6 5. Central Powers - Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungry, Bulgaria and Germany

7 6. Imperialism - A way of thinking that a powerful country has the right to colonize a less powerful country.

8 - The first international organization to promote World Peace.
7. League of Nations - The first international organization to promote World Peace.

9 9. Lusitania - The world’s largest passenger ship during WWI that was sunk by German U-Boats.

10 10. Militarism - A way of thinking that a country should use military force to take over other countries.

11 11. Morale - The mental or emotional state of a group.

12 12. Neutrality - Choosing to not take a side in conflict.

13 12. Preservation - To keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction.

14 13. Propaganda -Using media to influence the way people think.

15 14. Telegram -An encoded message sent through radio waves.

16 15. Treaty of Versailles - A Peace agreement that ends WWI

17 16. Trench - A deep, narrow hole dug in the ground that is used to protect solders.

18 17. Triple Entente -France, Britain, Russia

19 18. U-Boat - A German submarine

20 19. Wilson’s 14 Points - A speech given by President Wilson asking for peace.

21 20. Zimmerman Telegram - A message sent from Germany asking Mexico to become an ally if the United States joined the war.

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