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MONEY SMART WEEK April 21-28, 2012

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1 MONEY SMART WEEK April 21-28, 2012
Pima County Public Library participated in Money Smart Week for the first time in 2012. Pima County Public Library Tucson, Arizona

2 Money Smart Week - PCPL Graduate Assistant Project – Mikel Stone
Literacy for Success in Everyday Life Previous Financial Literacy Projects -  Economic Downturn We had many reasons for participating in Money Smart Week – it was a great project for our Graduate Assistant, part of our strategic plan, pervious projects didn’t go so well, and the economic downturn seemed like it might make the project more successful.

3 The Plan Registered with Federal Reserve Bank
Set up an internal planning wiki Made Contacts Determined Programs Libraries Selected Programs Publicity Proclamation!

4 The Experts Tucson Federal Credit Union Arizona Corporation Commission
Credit Wise Cats – University of Arizona Southwest Fair Housing Council Coupon Lady Extraordinaire Arizona Council on Economic Education Chicanos por la Causa Pima County Housing Center All of the partners we connected with were very happy to work with the library in fact Tucson Federal Credit Union had been wanting to hold classes with us for quite some time. Credit Wise Cats is a group of students from the University of Arizona who do wonderful programming with kids to help them understand the importance of financial literacy in a fun way.

5 The Programs: Libraries could choose from: Four Children’s Programs
Twelve Teen Programs Seventeen Adult Programs The Libraries had quite a selection of programs to choose from.

6 The Programs Presented (15)
Storytimes with Money Theme & Craft – 2 * Coupon Club – 3 Identity Theft – 2 Savings and Duct Tape Wallets – 2 * Credit Reports & Credit Cards – 3 Loan Modifications – 1 Financial Fitness – 1 Renter’s Toolbox – 1 Pimp Your Ride – done later & continuing A total of 15 programs were eventually selected. Unfortunately due to an automobile accident two of the programs were canceled and two others had no attendance. The Teen Program regarding Duct Tape Wallets had the highest attendance followed by the Storytime programs.

7 The Proclamation! Mikel Stone worked with Pima County Housing Center to have the Pima County Board of Supervisors Proclaim April as Financial Literacy Month

8 The End? We will definitely do it again Attendance was not as high
as we had hoped Catchy name and a craft works with teens Would like to work with other libraries in Arizona to make it a state-wide event

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