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CAN Objectives for COP 23.

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1 CAN Objectives for COP 23

2 Key overarching outcomes
1. COP23 needs to lay the ground for a successful facilitative dialogue aka Talanoa Dialogue by ensuring that the modalities of the technical and political process for FD2018 are adopted at COP In order to meet the 2018 deadline to finalize the Paris Agreement Implementation Guidelines, constructive technical negotiations must take place at COP 23 leading to draft negotiation text(s) with clearly distinguished options, where needed, to reflect significant differences amongst countries. 3. COP23 gives reassurance from developed countries to developing countries that the current commitments will be honored and countries recognize that loss and damage requires greater political support, and a commitment to identify ways for generating finance for loss and damage, with a clear process and timeline to do so. 4. Despite the US Announcement to leave the Agreement (or to undermine it through a weakened NDC) the rest of the world moves on “we are all sitting in one canoe” and “we are still in” spirit prevails the talks.

3 Key issues: Talanoa Dialogue
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Para 20: FD2018/Talanoa Dialogue - take stock of collective efforts of Parties in relation to progress towards the LTGs and to inform the preparation of NDCs - Scope: include MOI necessary to unlock additional ambition - Designed so it can result in increased mitigation targets

4 Key issues: Adaptation
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Art & 7.11 Adaptation Communication Adaptation must inform the global stocktake and play into the ambition mechanism

5 Key issues: Loss and Damage
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Art. 8, Dec. 1/CP22 (Para 47-5/ SBSTA para 48 Open new agenda item on loss and damage under APA (or agree to address L&D under other APA items) Agreement that L&D will be part of the GST The COP decision on the WIM, discussed under SBI/SBSTA, requests the ExCom to add the activity of loss and damage  finance and prioritise this in 2018/2019 in the work stream E. Enhancing action and support)

6 Key issues: Adaptation Fund
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Art and Dec. 1/CP22 (Para 43 & 46 and 55-83) Adaptation Fund progress on getting it to serve the Paris Agreement by defining options for each of the decisions that need to be taken next year Include issue of sustainable funding base into the discussions with decisions to be taken at COP24

7 Key issues: Finance Accounting
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Art and Dec. 1/CP22 (Para 43 & 46 and 55-83) More accurate, and mutually (btw. donor and recipient) agreed project-by-project accounting of climate-specific, (grant-equivalent) assistance, no more over-estimation of climate-relevance

8 Key issues: Technology
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Art and Dec. 1/CP22 (Para 43 & 46 and 55-83) Assessment of Technologies for risks and benefits Adopt horizon-scanning to determine, via relevant data, the most promising technologies for transition in the areas of adaptation, mitigation and loss and damage.

9 Key issues: Transparency
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Art. 13 and Dec.1 (Para 84 to 98) Facilitating improved reporting and transparency (including placeholders for market accounting) Balance between flexibility and ambitious common metrics

10 Key issues: Global Stocktake
Objectives 2-steps back neutral 1-step forward Art. 14 and Dec. 1 /CP22 (Para ) Sources of input: Include progress by relevant stakeholders and opportunities outside the UNFCCC Include input on MOI and financial flows, adaptation and L&D Modalities: Produces collective assessments that help Parties identify next steps Identify implementation gaps at global, regional and national levels Create space for exchanging of views on cooperative action Result in increased ambition

11 Other observations and considerations
Result of negotiations: The adoption of the first Gender Action Plan Operationalization of the Local Communities and Indigenous People's (LCIP) Platform Potential progress on orphan issues-  particularly towards agreement on common 5-year timeframes A potential SBSTA/SBI work programme coming out of the SBSTA agriculture negotiations, focusing on solutions which promote food security and climate benefits and supporting countries in their agriculture related elements of the NDCs

12 Other observations and considerations
Country  initiatives: German government to announce plans at COP23 to take forward the InsuResilience initiative and Clearing House for Risk Transfer Fiji Presidency will announce its plans to develop a long-term strategy CSO Dialogue on NDC enhancement and participation in FD2018 Fiji high-level events with announcement around Health and Oceans

13 Top line There is a balance to be achieved between progress made within the negotiations on various policy issues vs. the political message this COP needs to send. Need to take into account this being a Pacific COP (L&D, Adaptation Finance, Ambition) There is also a point to be made about spirit of Paris –US uncertainty along with pivoting towards next steps like the Talanoa Dialogue. COP will not yield any clear-cut decision for implementation guidelines, so our procedural asks/inputs are important too.

14 Summary - scenarios 2-steps back Neutral 1-step forward
Political issues Talanoa dialogue modalities with limited scope and Talanoa dialogue modalities Talanoa dialogue with explicit reference for the design to enable increased ambition US- vocal disturbing- Fiji does not manage to remind parties of Paris spirit US- vocal in some workstreams however we are all sitting in one canoe issues prevails the talks US- constructive (not too vocal)- we are still in and we are all sitting in one canoe spirit prevails the talks Pacific COP unable to conveny sense of urgency to address loss and damage countries recognize that loss and damage requires greater political support, and a commitment to identify ways for generating finance for loss and damage countries recognize that loss and damage requires greater political support, and a commitment to identify ways for generating finance for loss and damage, with a clear process and timeline to do so. Policy issues Move away from a bifurcated approach (i.e. differing guidelines for developed vs. developing) Unpack linkages – strengthen coherence and avoid duplication No clarity on options( or significant number of options Clarity on limited options captured in a formal document Clarity on limited options for scope No clarity of what and if can be agreed by COP24 Reaffirmation of finalization by COP24 Process going forward Next session greater clarity to be achieved around flexibility, linkages and scope Progress captured in a formal document to be used by facilitators next session Loaded workplan with challenging mandate to APA Co-Chairs Workplan agreed

15 Questions Comments ? Where do we channelize most of our energy ? What are those pieces that have a larger repercussion and potential triggers for getting what we want ? Are we missing some critical element that is going to have a broader impact on the course of the negotiations? Where do we have the least allies with respect to countries backing our recommendations ?

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