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The Mayan Civilization

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1 The Mayan Civilization
Chapter 11 Lesson 3 Week #29 The Mayan Civilization

2 Last Name, First Name 4/ / ? 29 The Mayan Civilization This week in class I will learn how the Maya became one of the most highly developed civilizations in Mesoamerica.

3 Monday What is one thing you already know about the Maya? vary
I will identify and understand the events responsible for strengthening the Mayan civilization as will be demonstrated by reading and “shrinking” the Reading Study Guide. 4/6/ , RH 2, WHST What is one thing you already know about the Maya? 1896 – 1st Olympic Games vary

4 BELL WORK One thing I already know about the Maya is__________________ ___________________________.

5 vary verb To be different from something else.

6 Remove Page 85 Page 101

7 First, number your paragraphs…
7 12 8 9 13 10 1 14 11 2 15 3 5 4 6

8 Paragraph 1 Maya Location of the Maya
The Maya live in southern Mexico, Guatemala, and northern Belize.

9 Paragraph 2 Maya Villages
Maya villages were in the highlands and lowlands of Mesoamerica.

10 Paragraph 3 Lowlands Climate
Lowlands on the Yucatan Peninsula have a tropic climate.

11 Paragraph 4 Agriculture Farming
Mayans used farming to become healthier and grow the population.

12 Question 1 The Mayans established villages in
the highlands and lowlands of Mesoamerica.

13 Section 2 Paragraphs A B A A A B B

14 Question 2 The 4 classes that made up Mayan were…..

15 Section 3 Paragraphs

16 Question 3


18 Tuesday Who was Pacal II? oration
I will understand and be able to correctly use this week’s vocabulary terms about the Mayan civilization by creating modified circle maps for each term. 4/7/ , RH 4, WHST Who was Pacal II? 1805 – Lewis and Clarke depart for their journey oration

19 BELL WORK Pacal II was _________________ ___________________________.

20 oration noun A formal public speech.

21 Today’s Ticket-Out-the-Door
Instructions: Answer these questions on the slip of paper given to you by the teacher. What condition did the Maya find themselves in the year 869 A.D.? (foreshadowing) How did the Maya view their kings? What Mayan city became powerful first and for the longest time? How tall was “Temple 4”? First & Last Name Period Date Mayan Empire, part 1 1. 2. 3. 4.

22 Engineering an Empire: The Maya
Part 1 0:00 – 15:16

23 4 circle maps on the front.
4 Vocabulary Terms this week! LET’S PREPARE OUR PAPERS! 4 circle maps on the front.

Maya stele Pacal II codex

25 Maya TERM #1 – “Maya” pyramids Mesoamerica 3. Yucatan Peninsula Noun
Definition in your own words: 3 Related words: Glossary Definition A civilization of southern Mexico and northern Central America, which reached its height between A.D. 250 and 900. A group of people who lived in Southern Mexico that were powerful for 650 years. pyramids Mesoamerica 3. Yucatan Peninsula Word and Part of Speech Maya “Make A Question”: Visual: Noun Why did the Mayan civilization end? Where did they go?

26 stele Pacal II codex ONLY 3 MORE TERMS TO GO! Term Definition
in your own words 3 Related Words Term Part of Speech “Make a Question” Visual

27 Partner A Partner B Partner A Partner B PRACTICE TIME! …..then switch
Using your circle maps, quiz your partner on the meanings of 2 of the terms. Put your circle map face down. Try to explain the meaning of the 2 terms asked by your partner without looking at your paper. …..then switch Partner A Partner B Put your circle map face down. Try to explain the meaning of the 2 terms asked by your partner without looking at your paper. Using your circle maps, quiz your partner on the meanings of the last 2 terms.


29 Wednesday
I will identify and describe important accomplishments of Mayan king Chan Bahlam by reading an article and creating a circle map with my learning partner. 4/8/ , RH 2, WHST What is a stele? 1974 – Hank Aaron sets new homerun record negligent

30 BELL WORK A stele is ____________________________________________.

31 negligent adjective Lazily careless

32 Today’s Ticket-Out-the-Door
Instructions: Answer these questions on the slip of paper given to you by the teacher. Who was the most important Mayan king? What were some important accomplishments of Pacal? What were some important accomplishments of Kan Balham? First & Last Name Period Date Mayan Empire, part 2 1. 2. 3.

33 Engineering an Empire: The Maya
Part 2 15:17 – 30:01

34 Chan Bahlum: Mayan King


36 Chan Bahlum: Mayan King
The city of Palenque was a ceremonial city. Cham Bahlum was a great builder. Chan Bahlum: Mayan King

37 Read each paragraph and underline one important fact.

38 Chan Bahlum: Mayan King
The city of Palenque was a ceremonial city. Cham Bahlum was a great builder. Chan Bahlum: Mayan King Fact #3 Fact #4

39 A A B B B B

40 Chan Bahlum: Mayan King
The city of Palenque was a ceremonial city. Cham Bahlum was a great builder. Chan Bahlum: Mayan King Fact #3 Fact #4 Fact #8 Fact #7 Fact #5 Fact #6

41 Individual Individual B Individual

42 Chan Bahlum: Mayan King
The city of Palenque was a ceremonial city. Cham Bahlum was a great builder. Fact #11 Fact #10 Chan Bahlum: Mayan King Fact #3 Fact #9 Fact #4 Fact #8 Fact #5 Fact #7 Fact #6

43 Answer of the back of your circle map:
The Group of the Cross is….. Complete sentences are required!


45 Thursday Approximately how many gods did the Maya worship? bonanza
I will analyze 2 Mayan accomplishments, the Popol Vuh and the Bird Palma, by completing a Literature and Primary Source Activity my learning partner. 4/9/ , RH 1, WHST Approximately how many gods did the Maya worship? 1865 – Robert E. Lee surrenders bonanza

46 BELL WORK The Maya worshiped more than _________ gods.

47 bonanza noun A source of great and sudden wealth.

History Log (M-F) M – C11 L3 Reading Study Guide (Questions 1-3) M – Paragraph Shrinking (15 paragraphs) T – C11 L3 Vocabulary (4 terms) W – “Chan Bahlam: Mayan King” (1 fact underlined per paragraph) W – Chan Bahlam Circle Map Th – Primary Source: Bird Palma (Questions 1-5) Th – Literature: The Popol Vuh (Questions 1-3) F – Weekly Reflection

49 Today’s Ticket-Out-the-Door
Instructions: Answer these questions on the slip of paper given to you by the teacher. What were “Sacbes”, or “White Roads”? How long was the Mayan calendar year? What are the benefits of using a column in construction? What happened to most of the Mayan texts? First & Last Name Period Date Mayan Empire, part 3 1. 2. 3. 4.

50 Engineering an Empire: The Maya
Part 3 30:02 - end

51 A B

52 Complete sentences are required.
The Maya used the Bird Palma. Complete sentences are required.


54 After reading, answer questions 1-3:


56 Friday What did the Maya do to get help from their gods? endure
I will assess my understanding of the information covered this week by taking an assessment and completing a weekly reflection as will be demonstrated by submission of my Week 35 Packet. 4/10/ , RH 1, WHST What did the Maya do to get help from their gods? 1953 – First color 3-D films opens endure

57 BELL WORK To get help from their gods, the Maya
fasted, prayed, and offered sacrifices.

58 endure verb To bear without resistance or with patience; tolerate.

59 Turn-in the quiz and Weekly Reflection.
Chapter 11 Lesson 3 Quiz 15 minutes Turn-in the quiz and Weekly Reflection. As packets are being turned in and graded by the teacher, remain in your assigned seat and complete your own packet.

History Log (M-F) M – C11 L3 Reading Study Guide (Questions 1-3) M – Paragraph Shrinking (15 paragraphs) T – C11 L3 Vocabulary (4 terms) W – “Chan Bahlam: Mayan King” (1 fact underlined per paragraph) W – Chan Bahlam Circle Map Th – Primary Source: Bird Palma (Questions 1-5) Th – Literature: The Popol Vuh (Questions 1-3) F – Weekly Reflection






66 THE PERFECT PARAGRAPH General Information and Topic Sentences

67 THE PERFECT PARAGRAPH Supporting Ideas and Clinchers

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