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Published byİbrahi̇m Özkan Modified over 6 years ago
UNIDO-GEF Industrial Energy Efficiency Project in Macedonia
Ana Petrovska National Project Manager REC Country Office Macedonia Marco Matteini Industrial Development Officer Department of Energy UNIDO 14 December 2017 Skopje, Macedonia
Agenda Project overview Implementation Progress
Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Planned activities - Jan-Jun 2018 Other issues 2
UNIDO & Executing Partners
Project at a Glance Title: Catalyzing market transformation for industrial energy efficiency and accelerate investments in best available practices and technologies in the FYR of Macedonia Objective: Reduce greenhouse gases emissions of Macedonian industry through improved energy efficiency Implementing Agency: UNIDO Executing Partners: Min. of Environment & PP, Min. of Economy, Energy Agency, Macedonia Bank for Development and Promotion, REC Country Office Macedonia, Macedonian industries, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, USAID/Timel Proekt and others Budget: USD 1,400, plus USD 5,900,000 co-financing Duration: UNDP will work together with EIE to serve the large industries and UNIDO wilt KOSGED to serve the SMEs. UNIDO & Executing Partners 3 3
Fig. 1 Industrial energy use by energy source in 2014
Project Context In industry accounted for about 30% of final energy use in Macedonia or ktoe (3rd NEEAP) Industry generates ~ 28% of national GDP and it occupies ~ 30% of labour force Iron and Steel, Glass and Construction materials, Food and Beverages account for ~ 85% of industrial energy consumption Perceived potential energy savings without major technological changes in the range of 10-20% Fig. 1 Industrial energy use by energy source in 2014 4 4
Operational in 18 countries
UNIDO IEE-EnMS-ESO Programme Operational in 18 countries Planned activities in 10 countries Operational South Africa Moldova Russia Turkey Ecuador Malaysia Thailand Viet Nam India Philippines Egypt Indonesia Iran Ukraine Colombia Macedonia Myanmar Georgia Planned activities Energy Management Systems, together with energy system optimization, is the current main thematic area on UNIDO‘s interventions. Other donors Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs UK Department for International Development Government of South Africa Government of Italy 5
IEE Macedonia Project Structure
Component 1 Policy & Institutions Energy Management Policy Programme Personnel certification requirement for large energy consumers EnM Practitioner Certification Scheme Incentives for EnMS/ISO implementation IEE best-practice information & dissemination programme Industrial energy data management tool Assessment of climate technologies for industry Strengthening of IEE institutional expertise Component 2 Market Services, Skills & Implem. Training & qualification for local IEE consultants Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in line with ISO50001 Steam System Optimization (SSO) Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) Training for enterprises Implementation of EnMS, SSO and CASO Integration of ISO and ISO14001 Component 3 Enhancing Investments Technical assistance facility for IEE investment proposals preparation and appraisal Performance-based cash- premium for IEE investments Training of local IEE consultants Training of lending officers of Macedonian banks 6 6
Services, Skills & Implem.
Project Timelines 2015 2016 2017 2018 Component 1 Policy & Institutions Working Group on EnMS Policy Programme Working Group on Climate Change Mitigation Technologies Component 2 Services, Skills & Implem. Energy Management System (EnMS) Programme Steam System Optimization (SSO) Programme Compressed-air System Optimisation (CASO) Programme Component 3 Investments Technical assistance facility for IEE investments Performance-based incentive for IEE investments Jun Sep Dec Apr Jul Sep Dec Apr Jul Sep Dec Time 7 7
Project Key Performance Indicators
KPI Target Project Objective 1. GHG emission reductions 133,000 ton CO2eq (7years) 2. Involvement of women in trainings ≥ 20% 3. Legal requirement for EnM personnel certification Enacted Component 1 Policy & Institutions 4. Certification program for EnM Practitioner Established 5. Incentive for EnMS/ISO implementation Pilot operational 6. IEE Best-Practice Dissemination Programme Web-platform + Events 7. Industrial Climate Technologies study Report 8. Number of EnMS implemented in enterprises 15 Component 2 Services, Skills & Implem. 9. Number of EnMS Experts Qualified 20 10. Number of ESO Experts Qualified 30 11. Number of enterprises trained in EnMS & ESO 50 Component 3 Investments 12. IEE investments mobilized 4,000, 000 USD 8 8
Project KPI - Progress KPI Target Progress 1. GHG emission reductions
Objective 1. GHG emission reductions 133,000 ton CO2eq > 30,000 ton (2 yrs) 2. Involvement of women in trainings ≥ 20% 32.5% E, 19% S, 20% C 3. Legal requirement for EnM personnel certification Enacted Analysis & EED Comp. 1 Policy & Institutions 4. Certification program for EnM Practitioner Established Analysis & EED 5. Incentive for EnMS/ISO implementation Pilot operational Established 6. IEE Best-Practice Dissemination Programme Web-platform + Events Draft TOR 7. Industrial Climate Technologies study Report In Planning 8. Number of EnMS implemented in enterprises 15 12 Pilot + 7 Repl. Comp. 2 Services, Skills & Implement. 9. Number of EnMS Experts Qualified 20 17 Pilot + 7 Repl. 10. Number of ESO Experts Qualified 30 11 S + 15 C trainees 11. Number of enterprises trained in EnMS & ESO 50 60+ EnMS , 31 ESO 325,000 EUR investments Comp. 3 Enhancing ivestments 12. IEE investments mobilized 4,000, 000 USD Discussion with MBDP 9
Progress – Component 1 As of May 2016 Component 1
Policy & Institutions Energy Management Policy Programme Personnel certification requirement for large energy consumers EnM Practitioner Certification Scheme Incentives for EnMS/ISO implementation IEE best-practice information & dissemination programme Industrial energy data management tool Assessment of climate technologies for industry Strengthening of IEE institutional expertise As of May 2016 Draft ToRs for Working Group (WG) developed and under discussion with key relevant counterparts. Agreed cooperation with USAID Financial incentives for EnMS/ISO implementation/certification established by the Ministry of Economy Who is eligible: Processing industries, National Classification No. 2 What is eligible: Projects on EE and/or certification in line with ISO 50001; Projects for enhancing productivity and efficiency What amount: 75% of total amount and < ,00 MKD (approx. 3,000 EUR) 10 10
Progress – Component 1 As of Dec 2017 Component 1
Policy & Institutions Energy Management Policy Programme Personnel certification requirement for large energy consumers EnM Practitioner Certification Scheme Incentives for EnMS/ISO implementation IEE best-practice information & dissemination programme Industrial energy data management tool Assessment of climate technologies for industry Strengthening of IEE institutional expertise As of Dec 2017 Ministry of Economy established Working Group (WG) on Energy Efficiency Directive in Feb 2017 Training/Workshop for policy-makers and stakeholders on Art.7, Art.8 and Art.16 in Apr 2017 Energy Management Policy Programme to be integrated and supportive of EED transposition and implementation Ongoing technical assistance to inform decision-making on transposition of Art.7, Art. 8 and Art. 16 of the EED Draft Terms of Reference for IEE B-P information & dissemination programme discussed with Energy Agency Continued collaboration and coordination with USAID New coordination and collaboration with Energy Community 11 11
Progress – Component 1 As of Dec 2017 Component 1
Policy & Institutions Energy Management Policy Programme Personnel certification requirement for large energy consumers EnM Practitioner Certification Scheme Incentives for EnMS/ISO implementation IEE best-practice information & dissemination programme Industrial energy data management tool Assessment of climate technologies for industry Strengthening of IEE institutional expertise As of Dec 2017 Draft ToRs for Working Group (WG) developed and under discussion with key relevant counterparts. Preparation of ToRs for Assessment study started 12 12
Market Services, Skills & Implem.
Progress – Component 2 Component 2 Market Services, Skills & Implem. Training & qualification for local IEE consultants Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in line with ISO50001 Steam System Optimization (SSO) Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) Training for enterprises Implementation of EnMS, SSO and CASO Integration of ISO and ISO14001 As of Dec 2017 1st EnMS Capacity Building and Implementation programme completed 17 National EnMS Experts qualified (11 M; 6 F) 11 Enterprise EnMS Practitioners certified 2nd EnMS Capacity Building and Implementation programme started n April 2017 (Replication) 75% National trainers; 25% Intern. Trainers 6+1 new enterprises + 7 Expert trainees 4 papers presented at international conference by qualified national EnMS experts Master thesis related to EnMS under development Discussion with FTM and FME on introduction of EnMS curriculum elements in under/post graduate courses 13 13
Market Services, Skills & Implem.
Progress – Component 2 Component 2 Market Services, Skills & Implem. Training & qualification for local IEE consultants Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in line with ISO50001 Steam System Optimization (SSO) Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) Training for enterprises Implementation of EnMS, SSO and CASO Integration of ISO and ISO14001 As of Dec 2017 Steam System Optimization (SSO) EXPERT programme completed 11 National SSO Experts qualified (9M; 2F) 6 Enterprises Steam System measuring equipment procured (from Macedonian supplier) and made available to SSO trainees/experts for use free of charge 5+6 Steam System Assessments carried out in program After end of the programme 6 qualified national SSO experts used measuring equipment kit (75 working days) 7 steam system assessments made + 10 Action Plans Discussion with FTM and FME on introduction of SSO curriculum elements in under/post graduate courses 14 14
Market Services, Skills & Implem.
Progress – Component 2 Component 2 Market Services, Skills & Implem. Training & qualification for local IEE consultants Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in line with ISO50001 Steam System Optimization (SSO) Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) Training for enterprises Implementation of EnMS, SSO and CASO Integration of ISO and ISO14001 As of Dec 2017 Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) EXPERT programme started in Sep 2017 15 National CASO Expert Trainees (12M; 3F) 7 Enterprises participating 1st training module delivered in Nov 2017 Baseline study of local compressed-air system market carried out Compressed-air systems measuring equipment being procured from Macedonian supplier ……. 15 15
Market Services, Skills & Implem.
Progress – Component 2 Component 2 Market Services, Skills & Implem. Training & qualification for local IEE consultants Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in line with ISO50001 Steam System Optimization (SSO) Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) Training for enterprises Implementation of EnMS, SSO and CASO Integration of ISO and ISO14001 As of Dec 2017 USER training (2-day) delivered 6 EnMS (jointly with USAID) + 1 100 + participants 80 organizations 3 STEAM System Optimization 35 participants 20 organizations 1 COMPRESSED-AIR System Optimization 34 participants 20 companies/organizations 16 16
Market Services, Skills & Implem.
Progress – Component 2 Component 2 Market Services, Skills & Implem. Training & qualification for local IEE consultants Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in line with ISO50001 Steam System Optimization (SSO) Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) Training for enterprises Implementation of EnMS, SSO and CASO Integration of ISO and ISO14001 As of Dec 2017 EnMS implemented in 12 enterprises during 1st Program Enterprises performance 5 - Excellent 1 - Good 2 – Satisfactory 4 - Unsatisfactory Energy Savings (2016): GWh (63% no cost) GHG Emission reductions (2016): 11,700 ton CO2 Money savings (2016): 862,000 USD (52% at no cost) Investments triggered by EnMS (2016): 325,000 EURO 17 17
Market Services, Skills & Implem.
Progress – Component 2 Component 2 Market Services, Skills & Implem. Training & qualification for local IEE consultants Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in line with ISO50001 Steam System Optimization (SSO) Compressed-air System Optimization (CASO) Training for enterprises Implementation of EnMS, SSO and CASO Integration of ISO and ISO14001 As of Dec 2017 EnMS implemented in 7 new enterprises Replication Program Enterprises EVN Macedonia Adient Balcan Energy Group Sistina Sasa Toranica Zletovo Total Annual Energy Consumption (2016): > 60 GWh EnMS Commitment Module and EnMS Planning Module delivered 18 18
Enhancing Investments
Progress – Component 3 Component 3 Enhancing Investments Technical assistance facility for IEE investment proposals preparation and appraisal Performance-based cash- premium for IEE investments Training of local IEE consultants Training of lending officers of Macedonian banks As of Dec 2017 First draft of Work-Flow for TA Facility developed First draft of Work-flow for Performance-based cash- premium developed First draft of collaboration agreement between UNIDO and MBDP developed 19 19
Project KPI - Progress KPI Target Progress 1. GHG emission reductions
Objective 1. GHG emission reductions 133,000 ton CO2eq > 30,000 ton (2 yrs) 2. Involvement of women in trainings ≥ 20% 32.5% E, 19% S, 20% C 3. Legal requirement for EnM personnel certification Enacted Analysis & EED Comp. 1 Policy & Institutions 4. Certification program for EnM Practitioner Established Analysis & EED 5. Incentive for EnMS/ISO implementation Pilot operational Established 6. IEE Best-Practice Dissemination Programme Web-platform + Events Draft TOR 7. Industrial Climate Technologies study Report In Planning 8. Number of EnMS implemented in enterprises 15 12 Pilot + 7 Repl. Comp. 2 Services, Skills & Implement. 9. Number of EnMS Experts Qualified 20 17 Pilot + 7 Repl. 10. Number of ESO Experts Qualified 30 11 S + 15 C trainees 11. Number of enterprises trained in EnMS & ESO 50 60+ EnMS , 33 ESO 325,000 EUR investments Comp. 3 Enhancing ivestments 12. IEE investments mobilized 4,000, 000 USD Discussion with MBDP 20
Project KPI - Progress KPI Target Progress
Objective 1. GHG emission reductions 133,000 ton CO2eq > 30,000 ton (2 yrs) 1. Cumulative Energy Savings ( ) (only 12 pilot enterprises, no replication companies) > 40,000 MWh 3rd NEEAP Energy Savings target for Industry (Cumulative ) UNIDO-GEF IEE Project Energy Savings ( ) 19.8 ktoe = GWh 40 GWh (17.9%) 21
Project KPI - Progress KPI Target Projection
Objective 1. GHG emission reductions 133,000 ton CO2eq > 60,000 ton (3 yrs) 1. Cumulative Energy Savings ( ) (only 12 pilot enterprises, no replication companies) > 70,000 MWh 3rd NEEAP Energy Savings target for Industry (Cumulative ) UNIDO-GEF IEE Project Energy Savings ( ) 19.8 ktoe = GWh 70 GWh (31.3%) 22
Planned Activities – Jan-Jun 2018
Issue contract for IEE B-P Information & Dissemination programme Submission on Art.7, Art.8 and Art.16 research and analytical report for EED transposition to Ministry of Economy Expert IEE advice in Energy Efficiency Law Assessment study of Climate Technologies in industry Development of EnM Practitioner Certification Identification and prioritization of 1-2 by-laws to support Jan-Feb Comp. 1 Policy & Institutions Jan-Feb Jan-Mar Feb-Jun Apr---- Apr-Jun Comp. 2 Services, Skills & Implement. 2nd Training Module of CASO EXPERT Programme CASO assessments by EXPERT Trainees Implementation Training Module (EnMS Replication Programme) Checking Training Module (EnMS Replication Programme) May Mar-Jun Mar (Sep) Comp. 3 Enhancing ivestments Finalization of Collaboration Agreement UNIDO-MBDP Processing of contracts for fund transfer Establishment of the TA Facility and Cash Premium Schemes Feb-Mar Mar-Apr May---- 23
Other Issues Extension of the Project Completion till 31 December 2019
Repurposing of some project funds taking into account cost-efficiency and achievements under Project Component 2 24
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