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Clinical Performance and 100k Lives Campaign

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1 Clinical Performance and 100k Lives Campaign
Version 8.HV Peter J. Plantes, MD Vice President Clinical Performance (972)

2 Improve members’ clinical and economic performance
What We Do Improve members’ clinical and economic performance

3 VHA Member Networks Accelerate Members’ Competitive Advantage
>> Clinical & Operational Improvement SHARED CHALLENGE >> Shared Resources >> Shared Performance Targets >> Shared Accountability >> Shared Funding WORKING TOGETHER >> Outcomes: Clinical Operational Financial Market Safety COLLECTIVE ACHIEVEMENT Develop visual image: Picture This… VHA members working together to save lives VHA members will implement clinical care improvements that have proven to promote health and prevent avoidable deaths. 400 VHA members participate in one or more VHA initiatives. VHA members will lead the industry in clinical quality and safety and will be noted for their significant contribution to the 100K lives campaign. VHA recognizes members who have achieved a significant measurable contribution to this effort.

4 Picture this….. A national movement originates to SAVE lives…
VHA Area Offices collaborate under one plan to inform, support and measure the members effort to SAVE lives… VHA members rally, working together in networks to SAVE lives… VHA members implement clinical care improvements that have been proven to promote health and prevent avoidable deaths… VHA members lead the industry in measured clinical performance and are noted for their significant contribution to the SAVE lives campaign… VHA recognizes members who have achieved a significant, measurable contribution to this effort.

5 IHI’s ‘100k lives Campaign’ Overview
Announced by Don Berwick at 2004 IHI meeting…Save 100,000 lives by June 14, 2006… ‘100k lives Campaign’ “Some is Not a Number. Soon is Not a Time.” (December 14th, 2004) Six Interventions: Deploy Rapid Response Teams Deliver Reliable, Evidence-Based Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction Prevent Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) – Medication Reconciliation Prevent Central Line Infections Prevent Surgical Site Infections Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

6 Rapid Response Teams: Statistics
Only 17% of patients who experience an arrest survive until discharge. Cardiac arrests occur in 1 in 200 hospital admissions Most patients who arrest show clinical signs of deterioration within the 8 hour period preceding the event Chance of survival is greater if the arrest occurs in the ICU setting Source:

7 Rapid Response Teams May be summoned by anyone in the hospital to preclude a cardiac arrest or other adverse event Development of criteria is a key Sites that have implemented RRTs have reported reductions in cardiac arrests, sepsis, stroke, acute renal failure and deaths, as well as reduced LOS and ICU admissions Primarily a nurse driven function

8 Evidence Based Care for AMI
Early Administration of Aspirin Aspirin at Discharge Early Administration of Beta Blocker Beta Blocker at Discharge ACEI/ARBs at Discharge for LVSD Smoking Cessation Advice/counseling Timely Reperfusion

9 Prevention of Adverse Drug Events Through Medication Reconciliation
High priority for JCAHO and IOM Approximately 1,200 hospital deaths per year were due to an adverse drug events. ** 46 percent of all medication errors occur at transition points Medication reconciliation needs to occur at admission, discharge, and at any point following transitions in care locations

10 Prevent Central Line Infections
Attributable mortality – 18%; estimated deaths annually – 14,000 to 28,000 There are approximately 5.3 CR-BSIs per 1,000 catheter days in the ICU Central Line “Bundle” o Hand Hygiene o Maximal Barrier Precautions o Chlorhexidine Skin Antisepsis o Appropriate Catheter Site Administration and Care o No Routine Replacement IHI Intervention Call – March 30, 2pm EST Statistics - Source:

11 Prevention of Surgical Site Infections: Stats
SSIs account for 14-16% of hospital acquired infections. Among surgical patients, SSIs account for 40% of hospital acquired infections. Surgical patients who develop SSIs are twice as likely to die. SSI is a component of VHA’s Transformation of the OR Source:

12 Prevention of Surgical Site Infections
Measures o Antibiotic Selection o Antibiotic Start o Antibiotic Discontinuance o Appropriate Hair Removal o Peri-operative Glucose Control IHI Intervention Call – March 23, 2pm EST

13 Prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
VAP occurs in 15% of mechanically ventilated patients; Mortality rate of patients who develop VAP is 46% “Ventilator Bundle” o HOB Elevation of 30 Degrees o Daily Sedation Vacations o Daily Assessment of Readiness to Extubate o PUD prophylaxis o DVT prophylaxis IHI Intervention Call-March 30, 2pm EST

14 ‘100k lives Campaign’ - VHA Commitment
VHA executive leadership pledges commitment to the 100k lives Campaign – communicated to senior management team. (December ’04) CEO Communiqué, January 2005 “VHA has established a significant clinical agenda for 2005” VHA will “…disseminate powerful improvement tools, with supporting expertise, throughout the American health care system.” “VHA will serve as a coach and data repository for member organizations that wish to join the 100,000 lives Campaign.” In support of the 100k campaign, VHA will: Connect members to improve clinical performance Leverage VHA’s network strategy Increase members’ awareness and participation in the 100k campaign Identify, enumerate and stay in contact with participating VHA members Assist with data collection Support members in the implementation of the six interventions

15 ‘100k lives Campaign’ – VHA’s Actions
Recruit VHA members and assist in program enrollment Connect VHA participating hospitals to facilitate dialogue and monitor progress Collect VHA hospital performance data and forward to IHI Support the implementation of the six clinical interventions via VHA programs Transformation of the ICU Transformation of the OR Cardiovascular Bundle Rapid Response Teams In support of the 100k campaign, VHA will: Connect members to improve clinical performance Leverage VHA’s network strategy Increase members’ awareness and participation in the 100k campaign Identify, enumerate and stay in contact with participating VHA members Assist with data collection Support members in the implementation of the six interventions

16 Structure for Participation
Hospital Level – the basic element of campaign Network Level – systems or associations or collections of facilities Node Level – a sponsoring organization for a network (example – VHA “super-node”) IHI Field Operations Level

17 VHA Area Offices - A Key Differentiator
Central Atlantic East Coast Empire State Central Georgia Gulf States Mid- America Metro Michigan Mountain States New England Oklahoma/ Arkansas Northeast Upper Midwest West Coast Pennsylvania Southeast Southwest

18 VHA Area Offices - A Key Differentiator
18 “nodes” of action tied together as the VHA “super-node” in the 100k lives Campaign. Results: 1/3rd of the hospitals enrolled are VHA The VHA potential….. 18 Area Offices providing local/regional collaboration supported by a small national team and national data management resources. Delivery Vision Area Office Area Office NATIONAL Area Office Area Office Area Office MEGA-Node


20 COLLECT: Real Time Data Entry of Clinical Metrics and Indicators

21 COLLECT: Real Time Reporting & Benchmarking of Clinical Metrics and Indicators
Compare your results against Customized peer groups and National Averages in a real time environment. Review your Hospital’s results on various Topics Automatically Export Data into Microsoft Excel with one click.

22 Executive Style Dashboards and scorecards available to track your progress on various Clinical Performance Initiatives.

23 100k lives Clinical Performance – Program match
IHI Interventions vs. VHA offering Deploy Rapid Response Teams RRT Program offering Deliver Reliable, Evidenced Based Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction CV Bundle Program offering Prevent Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) – Medication Reconciliation Included domain in all Programs Prevent Central Line Infections TICU domain Prevent Surgical Site Infections Surg/TOR Program offering Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia VHA offering vs. IHI Interventions RRT Program offering (VHA-SE collaboration) Deploy Rapid Response Teams Prevent ADEs- Med Reconciliation CV Bundle Program offering Deliver Reliable, Evidenced Based Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction Surg / Transformation of the OR (TOR) Prevent Surgical Site Infections Transformation of the ICU (TICU) Prevent Central Line Infections Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

24 Transformation of the ICU
Content Links to the “100k lives Campaign”: o Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) o Central Venous Line Infections (BSI) o Rapid Response Teams (RRT) o Medication Reconciliation Program Components: o Nationally prominent subject matter experts o Two face-to-face meetings annually o Monthly coaching calls o Measurement tool and database (ICU-CM) o Content calls o Short assessment o Secured space in CKM for “tools” (order sets, presentations, patient education materials, etc.) o Listserv

VHA’s TICU Clinical and Economic Impact TICU Impact: Average Length of Stay And Vent Days Decreased 12.9 10.8 4.9 4.3 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 Average LOS Average Vent Days Baseline Post Days TICU Impact: Sepsis Reduction 36% reduction ICU COST SAVINGS/REVENUE ENHANCEMENT Cost savings from reduced ICU LOS Moving from an ICU inpatient [$2,674] to a non-ICU inpatient bed [$891] = $1,783 X 8 days = $14,264 cost savings per patient Per patient savings ($14,264) x Average Hospital ICU Census (892) = $12,723,488 savings per hospital Cost savings from reduced Vent Days Base costs per patient ($2,115/day) x 6.5 day reduction = Average savings of $13,745 per patient Cost savings from Sepsis reduction (Implied) and revenue enhancement Median margin expense of severe sepsis patients ($10,623) is partially avoided by either reductions in LOS and/or reductions in incidence of sepsis itself Reduction in excessive expenses, including supply costs and cost per case Revenue enhancement opportunity of open ICU beds (Note: exact contribution cannot be calculated)

26 Mortality Rate (Percent) Sepsis Population: On ICU Admission Reporting Period: November 2003 to December 2004 TICU Total number of ICUs in group participated in reporting: 19

27 Catch the Vision ! Ensure your hospital is enrolled – you are already doing some of the work!!

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