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Module 4 Writing the Literature review

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1 Module 4 Writing the Literature review
In the Module 3 presentation there was some background on why we are writing this and how to search for research articles. The assumption now is that you have compiled some research and need to understand how to properly synthesize it all. Synthesis is the key term. As the researcher you are expected to take key findings from multiple sources and weave the knowledge together. Not easy!

2 This chapter is usually the hardest to write so don’t get discouraged.
Ask for help, look at examples. Remember, every research article you have found has a literature review you can look over but try not to cite them in YOUR literature review. That’s like taking a chopped salad and chopping it much more finely and mixing it with other extra finely chopped salads. Mush! Your thoughts and opinions are not included, just state the facts. Also, stay focused on the literature. You are not discussing your own research in this chapter. That’s what will happen in Chapter 3.

3 Organize the research into sub-topics and then sub-sub topics
Organize the research into sub-topics and then sub-sub topics. Different people do this different ways. Some can do it electronically, others need to print paper and put it in piles. Find a method which works for you and organize. Good writing still applies. Start paragraphs with a topic sentence. Use transitions between paragraphs and between sections so the reader makes the journey with you smoothly. It shouldn’t be a bumpy ride! Cite, cite, cite There should be at least one citation for every major idea = at least one citation per paragraph. And every work you cite MUST be in the References list.

4 Avoid talking about the article or the paper, focus on the author(s) and the findings.
Paraphrase as much as possible. Quote the sentences which are so perfectly written you cannot do them justice. That said, trust yourself. No more than about 20-25% of the work should be quotes. Start with a small sub-topic you know well to get some practice and confidence. You don’t have to start at the beginning. Another presentation on formatting nuances is planned. Try to write without worrying about the formatting, for example, put in notes to yourself where you need citations. Later put in or fix the formatting.

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