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Spreading Hope.

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Presentation on theme: "Spreading Hope."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spreading Hope

2 Introduction to Spreading Hope
In this section we will explore how some community builders have maintained their efforts through a deeper understanding of steadfast commitment, fueled by a deep assurance that long-run change is possible – a characteristic that is fundamental to hope.

3 What Is Hope? Some Definitions and Qualities
Hope Is More than Wishing for Change Hope Is Substantive Hope Is a Way of Being Hope Doesn’t Avoid Despair Hope Is Being Open to Opportunity Hope Is a Healthy Myth

4 How Hope Can Transform Community Outcomes
Hope Transforms through Action Hope Challenges Conventional Wisdom Engaging in Active Hope and Reconnection

5 Seeing Hope in the World
Noticing Holiness Walking Together

6 Putting Hope to Work: Three Stories
Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The Beloved Community” Paul Farmer: “Mountains Beyond Mountains” Kay Nakao: Re-establishing a Community

7 Nurturing and Spreading Hope
Five principles for nurturing and spreading hope: Possibility Agency Worth Openness Connection Core Colleagues Company Customers Community Common Ground Cosmos

8 Some Challenges, and Questions for Reflection
What About False Hope? What About Giving Up Hope?

9 In Summary Remember that your attitude makes all the difference
Hope involves trust Hope and hopelessness can co-exist Hold open the possibility for another chapter Anticipate a positive future Practices and habits can inspire hope It takes a community Set the table for hope Talk it out

10 Final Observations Hope also has a magical ability to animate change.
The conviction that there is another chapter, that there is always another chapter, is perhaps the essence of what we mean we talk about hope as a resource deep within us that has the power to transform both ourselves, our colleagues, and the world around us.

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