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Presidential Election of 1860

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1 Presidential Election of 1860
Candidates Issues Outcome

2 Candidates Abraham Lincoln….Republican
* virtually unknown outside of Illinois * moderate stance on slavery * stop the spread of slavery * no interference with southern slavery * south called him “Black Republican”

3 Candidates Stephen Douglas…Northern Democrats * popular sovereignty
John C. Breckenridge..Southern Democrat * supported Dred Scott Decision (proslavery) John Bell…Constitutional Union Party * no stance on slavery (popular sovereignty)


5 Outcome of Election of 1860 Lincoln wins with less than 50% of popular vote Lincoln won electoral vote Lincoln had sectional rather than national support Southern reaction to Lincoln’s election??

6 “The time for compromise has now passed”---Jefferson Davis
South felt threatened…feared loss of slave labor and States Rights Dec. 20, South Carolina seceded Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas February 4, 1861…Confederate States of America formed in Montgomery, AL Elected Jefferson Davis as president

7 From Buchanan to Lincoln
Lincoln elected in Nov. 1860….took office in March of 1861 Pres. Buchanan said secession was illegal…but he did nothing about it Mass resignations of southerners in Congress Would the North let the South go????

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