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What is Psychology? An Introduction.

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1 What is Psychology? An Introduction


3 Defining Psychology Psyche – soul Logos – study of a subject
Psyche + logos = Psychology Psychology = the study of the soul

4 Marriage of Two Disciplines
Philosophy & Physiology Mind Body

5 Philosophy Side Soul = thoughts, perceptions, understanding, contemplation, conscious experience, etc.

6 Aristotole Tubula Rasa

7 Empiricism Knowledge from experience

8 Marriage of Two Disciplines
Philosophy & Physiology Mind Body

9 Physiology Side Body = physical matter

10 Physiology Side Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution
Characteristics (even psychological) are passed on for survival & reproduction

11 Nativism The idea that some knowledge is innate

12 Problems from Psychology’s Marriage
Nature vs. Nurture The question of whether individuals’ characteristics, behavior, & emotions are a product of genetics or environment Mind-Body Problem The question of the distinction between mental and physical qualities

13 Mind & Body Dualist Proposes that mind & body are separate
Mind over body Body = Reflexes (automatic reactions to the environment) Rene Decartes

14 Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) Founder of psychology.
Established first psychology laboratory (1879).

15 Psychology Today The science that studies behavior and the physiological and cognitive processes that underlie it and applies the knowledge to practical problems.


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