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George Berkeley’s Theory of Knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "George Berkeley’s Theory of Knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 George Berkeley’s Theory of Knowledge
( ) Irish Philosopher Anglican Bishop

2 The belief that only ideas exist
Subjective Idealism The belief that only ideas exist

3 Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous
1713 Hylas = Greek word for matter Philonous = Greek word for love of mind

4 Berkeley’s Argument Argued that Locke’s primary and secondary qualities are really the same thing

5 Berkeley is reacting against - Scientific Empiricism
- Scientific Materialism They don’t deal with physical reality They deal with IDEAS of physical reality

6 Berkeley’s Argument 1. How do we perceive primary qualities?
2. Through our minds

7 3. We can never really know if the ideas in our minds accurately represent the material world

8 4. Our minds only deal with ideas, not objective reality

9 5. Both primary and secondary qualities are mind-dependent


11 (those things that are perceived
6. Sensible things (those things that are perceived by our senses) Must be perceivable

12 7. To be is to be perceived “esse est percipi”

13 8. But there is no guarantee that the external world
(mind independent world) really exists

14 9. How does Berkeley handle the problem of things existing
when we are not there to perceive them? God perceives them! God is the ultimate perceiver


16 10. What we call “The Laws of Physics” are really “God’s Laws “ and they govern a universe made up of ideas

17 The only things that exist:
Our Minds And God’s Mind

18 is really ideas put in our minds by God
11. What we refer to as the “Physical World” is really ideas put in our minds by God

19 12. Berkeley argues that continuity of what we refer to as the “material” world provides an irrefutable proof for the existence of God


21 If we eliminate the material world And therefore a better explanation
Occam’s Razor If we eliminate the material world We have less entities And therefore a better explanation

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