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Do Now: What is this man trying to say

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1 Do Now: What is this man trying to say
Do Now: What is this man trying to say? Explain using evidence from the text! “I can anticipate no greater catastrophe for the country than a dissolution of the Union. It would be an accumulation of all the evils we complain of, and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation. I hope, therefore, that all constitutional means will be exhausted before there is a resort to force. Secession is nothing but revolution.” Who am I?

2 What are the qualities of a good leader
What are the qualities of a good leader? When you vote for someone, what qualities should you look for?


4 Groups: Characteristics of each region?
Northerners Border States Southerners

5 The Candidates

6 Abraham Lincoln Republican Illinois

7 I am the candidate Abraham Lincoln
I am the candidate Abraham Lincoln. I have decided to run for the office of President of this here great country of the United States of America. This country that I so love, is a house that is divided. Some of you may question whether I am the right man for the job of president. You ask, can I help this country when I believe that slavery is a “moral, social, and political evil” I believe that I can. I believe that I must. My friends, we do not have to decide upon this issue of slavery now. It will eventually die out because it is wrong. If I am elected President I promise I will not outlaw slavery in the United States. That being said my Northern friends, I do believe that slavery should not be allowed to spread into the territories. Lastly I would say to you my fellow Americans… “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe that this government cannot endure (last) permanently half slave and have free….It will become all of one thing, or all the other.” “I believe I have no purpose….to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so.”

8 Abraham Lincoln Slavery Westward Expansion Government National Support
Hated slavery Will not interfere with already existing slave states! Will NOT allow the expansion of slavery! Against any new slave states! Cannot be part free and part slave “A house divided cannot stand!” North

9 Stephen Douglas Northern Democrat Illinois

10 My friends, thank you this fine evening, for coming to this great hall to listen to the great speeches, and conversations of my esteemed colleagues and myself. I, candidate Stephen Douglas, am here to tell you that as an American I am a supporter of the institution of slavery if this is what the American people want. Had not the great citizens of Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and many others spent their hard earned money on their land and slaves? Do they not have the same rights as any other American who has worked hard to earn a wage so that they could own property? Why I say yes, they have the right to own property. I would also extend to my fellow Americans my belief that this country can still remain at peace without war with half our country with slaves and half without. Our great compromises have helped us create a balance of power. I believe that in the west it is the citizens right to decide if they will or will not allow slavery. It is not the job of the government to decide. It is the right of the people and the state governments to decide. Let me say yet again. I believe in a citizen’s right to decide matters that are in their heart. I believe that slavery should be allowed. I believe that territories should make their own decisions, and that yes we can exist as split. I say, “Why can it not exist divided into free and slave states?”

11 Stephen Douglas Slavery Westward Expansion Government National Support
Slavery depends on what the people want Supported popular sovereignty Will allow slavery to spread if that is what the people want! Should not decide the slavery issue – the people should Can exist the way the way that it is now – slave vs. free West

12 John Breckinridge Southern Democrat Kentucky

13 My southern friends, let me tell you this it is my greatest of honors to have been selected by the Democratic Party to represent the south and our wonderful way of life. I, John Breckinridge, have been humbled been selected to represent the south as a presidential candidate of the United States. I know that I represent the south and its God fearing way of life. As many of you already know, I am a true southerner. I own a large home and plantation in the great state of Kentucky. As a landowner and slave holder, I promise you, my fellow Americans that I stand for what is right and just. I stand for what is American. I stand for the future of this great country and for god. I believe that as Americans we have a right to our property, we have a right to keep our property, sell our property, and to be happy. As Americans we have a right to move west. This should be done with our slaves. When this happens our country will grow and prosper as it has never done so before. My friends, "I trust I have the courage to lead a forlorn hope."

14 John Breckinridge Slavery Westward Expansion Government
National Support Supports slavery entirely! People should have a right to their property The slavery issue CANNOT be settled peacefully if Northerners win the election! Slavery should be spread towards the West and beyond Wants a government that enforces and accepts slavery It is the “American” thing to do. South

15 John Bell Constitutional Union Party Tennessee

16 Thank you for the opportunity to address this distinguished audience
Thank you for the opportunity to address this distinguished audience. My name is John Bell and I am here to tell you that I am a presidential candidate who puts our countries’ best interests first. I am the candidate who will work for home and peace between our two great regions. I do not believe in this petty squabbling that is happening. I am not going to stand here and name call. I will tell you that it is true that I do not agree with many of these fine gentlemen. I am a slave owner and I am proud that I am. Yet that being said I do not believe, like my distinguished colleague, Mr. John Breckinridge, that this argument over slavery cannot be settled peacefully. He believes that if this election is lost by the south than the south must leave the Union. I tell you that I am a god-fearing, honest man. I believe that as men of honor and as politicians that we must discuss this issue and agree to disagree. Slavery can exist in both parts of our great country. We must be patient and solve our differences like gentlemen. I promise I will do my best to stop this arguing and advance the cause of peace. I believe that slavery should stay where it currently is and should not expand into the west. I believe this because it will just further the divide between the North and the South. Now let’s have an election where the country is put first and where we will just get along because it is in our best interest.

17 John Bell Slavery Westward Expansion Government National Support
Accepts it, but does not necessarily support Remains neutral The slavery issue CAN be settled peacefully if Northerners win the election! Slavery should not be expanded into the west Slavery should stay where it is Can exist as long as we agree to disagree Must accept our differences Border States


19 In 1860, the polling place operated differently than it does today
In 1860, the polling place operated differently than it does today. Voting men would receive a paper ticket for the party of their choice. On Election Day the official would announce each vote out loud before placing it in the ballot box. Rather than voting for individuals a man would be voting for the entire list of candidates from that party, from the local to national level. Obviously the public nature of the voting process left room for corruption imagine your boss standing at the polling place to hear if you voted for his candidate!

20 Let’s Vote! Lincoln Douglas Breckinridge Bell


22 Lincoln Wins! Most Southern ballots did not even include Lincoln’s name 40% of the popular vote Won 180 out of 303 electoral votes Won every Northern state

23 How did the South react? They did not trust Lincoln’s claim that he would not interfere with slavery! December 20, 1860 – South Carolina holds a special convention and the South secedes!

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