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Chapter 12 Properties of Matter

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1 Chapter 12 Properties of Matter
Lesson 3 What are Physical and Chemical Properties?

2 Main Idea Matter has different physical and chemical properties.
Physical and chemical properties are used to describe and classify matter.

3 Physical Properties color shape texture density size

4 Shape How would you describe the shape of:

5 Size huge tiny small large big massive

6 Texture rough smooth silky bumpy hard soft
Texture is how the object feels. rough smooth silky bumpy hard soft

7 Density Density describes how much matter is in a given space, or volume. If you know the mass and volume of an object, you can calculate the object’s density.

8 The density of a substance determines whether it will float or sink in water or another liquid.

9 Chemical Properties A chemical property is a characteristic of matter that can be observed only when matter is changed into a new kind of matter.

10 Chemical Properties The ability to burn The ability to rust

11 Chemical Properties The ability to tarnish The ability to cook

12 Questions What are 2 examples of a physical property?
What are 2 examples of a chemical property? What are some physical and chemical properties of paper that can be observed?

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