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Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture Seminar on Plenetary Emergencies The Bush-Putin disagreement August 22nd 2007 Richard Wilson.

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1 Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture Seminar on Plenetary Emergencies The Bush-Putin disagreement August 22nd 2007 Richard Wilson Harvard University

2 For many people the Anti-ballistic missle system started with Ronald Reagan and Edward Teller Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Star Wars


4 Secretary Yuri Andropov’s “Peace offensive” stalled
Secretary Yuri Andropov’s “Peace offensive” stalled. It is time they stopped searching for the best ways of unleashing nuclear war. Engaging this is just irresponsible. It is insane” But the USSR did! Gorbechev would not talk while the SDI was proceeding

5 February 1987: Velikhov’s Conference on a nuclear-free world, Moscow Wiesner (President, MIT0 Sakharov myself 5 minutes each: It will be ineffective. Why should the USSR worry if the USA wastes its money?

6 After the meeting Gorbachev changed his mind He walked with Reagan in the wooded garden on Chemin de la Voile, Lake Geneva The Helsinki agreements. It was the beginning of the end of the cold war

7 Russian Scientists understood
Russian Scientists understood. Yeltsin in informally proposed that Russia and USA study anti-ballistic missile systems jointly. Rejected

8 Dr Lowell Wood, Livermore, associate of Edward Teller The SDI proposal was a sucess The USSR tried to copy We slowed the natural gas pipeline to France They ran out of money January 1991 partys in the peripheral republics stopped paying dues The cental communist party went bankrupt.

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