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What led to the Spanish American war?

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Presentation on theme: "What led to the Spanish American war?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What led to the Spanish American war?

2 Questions from Reading
1. Who were Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hurst? 2. Explain the tactics Hurst used to make his newspaper better than Pulitzers. 3. What is “yellow journalism?” 4. What effect did the competition between Hurst and Pulitzer have on the quality of reporting done at the time? 5. Why did both newspapers focus on the Cuban Rebellion as a topic of news? 6. What overall effect did yellow journalists have on the American public in regards to Spain’s treatment of Cuba? Questions from Reading

3 Joseph Pulitzer publishes the New York World
Joseph Pulitzer publishes the New York World. He Revolutionizes the newspaper industry through large headlines, flashy bi-lines, sports sections, gossip columns and comic strips. William Randolph Hearst publishes The New York Journal. He lowers the price, advertises heavily and steals the creator of the Yellow Kid from Pulitzer Vs. Pulitzer publishes “The Yellow Kid” comic strip The Yellow Kid becomes the most popular pop culture icon. Popularity for the New York World skyrockets. Both Newspapers become locked in a popularity war.

4 What effect did this have?
In order to beat each other at this war, Pulitzer and Hearst needed to sell the most newspapers as possible. This resulted in Sensationalism. What does this mean? Reporters needed to feed the public constant excitement. Results? Yellow Journalists were constantly looking for new and exciting stories. This is what led them to report on Cuba. What effect did this have?

5 Cuba was a possession of Spain since the days of Columbus in 1492.
The History of the Cuban Rebellion Cuba was a possession of Spain since the days of Columbus in 1492. Spain has a rapidly dwindling Empire, yet they are committed to holding on to Cuba no matter what. Why?

6 The History of the Cuban Rebellion
In 1895, Cuban revolutionaries begin fighting against the Spanish government in Cuba The revolutionaries are fighting a Guerilla war. This is an non conventional war where hit and run tactics are used. You are fighting an enemy that does not wear a uniform. Therefore, they are indistinguishable from the non violent villagers. The local villagers supply the revolutionaries with food and supplies and will hide them if necessary. The villagers don’t all support the revolution, but are forced to help the revolutionaries at the threat of death. How do you defeat the revolutionaries?

7 What were the results of our “war games” scenario?
1. The Cuban Revolutionaries were fighting a Guerilla war – what was that? 2. In order to defeat the rebels, Spain realized that it needed to remove the support the villagers gave the rebellion. 3. Spain decides to “drain the ocean” by relocating the Cuban villagers to Reconcentration camps. What do we know these as today? 4. Spain sends General Vajeriano Wehler to Cuba. Guess what his nickname was?

8 If you are going to lock people in cages, the least you could do is feed them!


10 2 forces driving the Unites States to war with Spain
Yellow Journalists The Jingoes



13 What is a jingo? Jingoes were Americans who wanted to go to war with Spain. They were extremely patriotic and nationalistic – this means that they believe the United States is the best country in the world. Jingoes were a combination of both idealistic and realistic drives regarding Cuba.

14 Overall message: “We should go to war!”
We should go to war with Spain to help save the Cuban people and advance freedom and democracy We should go to war with Spain to capture Cuba and steal all of their overseas possessions Overall message: “We should go to war!”

15 President William McKinley
The Jingoes couldn’t force the US to go to war Foreign Policy is in the hands of the President If the President says “no” to war, then there is very little that the country can do President William McKinley

16 McKinley Says “no” to war
1. “No” to the suffering people of Cuba 2. “No” to the Jingoes like Theodore Roosevelt calling for war on a daily basis 3. “No” to the American businessmen in Cuba who are loosing money because of the revolution

17 The USS Maine

18 “Qui Bono”: Who benefits?

19 Suspect # 1: The Spanish Government

20 Suspect # 2: The Cuban Revolutionaries

21 Suspect # 3: The Jingoes

22 Suspect # 4: William Randolph Hearst

23 Writing Assignment: Who Blew up the USS Maine?
1. You must choose a suspect responsible for destroying the USS Maine. This can be the Spanish government, the Cuban revolutionaries, the Jingoes, or William Randolph Hearst. 2. You must explain why your suspect had the strongest motive in blowing up the Maine. How would they benefit from the Maine’s destruction and the likely war with the United States? 3. You must present your writing in the following format: Fiction Writing: An American agent intercepts a letter coming from Cuba where the author of the letter states the following: How he/she was responsible for the destruction of the Maine, how he/she committed the crime, and why he/she hoped this act would benefit their side. Performance: Two student will stage a police interrogation. The interrogation will state the following: How he/she was responsible for the destruction of the Maine, how he/she committed the crime, and why he/she hoped this act would benefit their side. This interrogation will be performed for the class. Project is due on Monday.

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