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Michael Leuschel Declarative Systems & Software Engineering

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1 Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Optimisation Lecture 1 (morning): Introduction
Michael Leuschel Declarative Systems & Software Engineering Dept. Electronics & Computer Science University of Southampton 9/21/2018

2 Overview: First 2 hours Explain what these lectures are about:
Program Optimisation in general Partial Evaluation in particular Program Transformation, Analysis, and Specialisation Explain why you should attend the lectures: Why are the topics interesting ? Why are they useful ? Overview of the whole course

3 Part 1: Program Optimisation and Partial Evaluation: A first overview

4 (Automatic) Program Optimisation
When: Source-to-source during compilation at link-time at run-time Why: Make existing programs faster (10 %  500   ...) Enable safer, high-level programming style () (Program verification,…)

5 Program Optimisation II
What: constant propagation, inlining , dead-code elimination, eliminate redundant computations, change of algorithm or data-structures, … Similar to highly optimising compilers: much more aggressive, (much) greater speedups and much more difficult to control How ?

6 Program Transformation
How: Unfold/fold approach [Burstall,Darlington 77] Schema-based approach Usually not fully automatic Why: Program synthesis specification  executable program Program optimisation: Change data-structure, algorithm, … Program specialisation, ...

7 Program Transformation: Unfold/fold
Initial Program P0 Program P1 Final Program Pn ... unfold/fold step unfold/fold step Under some conditions: Same semantics Same termination properties Better performance

8 Program Analysis What: Why:
Find out interesting properties of your programs: Values produced, dependencies, usage, termination, ... Why: Verification, debugging Type checking Check assertions Optimisation: Guide compiler (compile time gc, …) Guide source-to-source optimiser

9 Program Analysis II How: Techniques:
Rice’s theorem: all non-trivial properties are undecidable !  approximations or sufficient conditions Techniques: Ad hoc Abstract Interpretation [Cousot’77] Type Inference

10 Abstract Interpretation
Concrete domain Abstract Interpretation Principle: Abstract domain Abstract operations: safe approximation of concrete operations Result: Correct Termination can be guaranteed  Decidable approximation of undecidable properties N- N+ Abstract domain N+ + N+ = N+ N = N+ ...

11 Program Specialisation
Drawing Program P Program Specialisation What: Specialise a program for a particular application domain How: Partial evaluation Program transformation Type specialisation Slicing P’

12 Overview Partial Program Evaluation Transformation Program
Specialisation Program Optimisation

13 Part 2: A closer look at partial evaluation: First Steps

14 A closer look at PE Partial Evaluation versus Full Evaluation Why PE
Issues in PE: Correctness, Precision, Termination Self-Application and Compilation

15 Full Evaluation Full input Computes full output function power(b,e) is
if e = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1)

16 Partial Evaluation Only part of the input
 produce part of the output ? power(?,2)  evaluate as much as you can  produce a specialized program power_2(?)

17 PE: A first attempt Small (functional) language: Basic Operations:
constants (N), variables (a,b,c,…) arithmetic expressions *,/,+,-, = if-then-else, function definitions Basic Operations: Evaluate arithmetic operation if all arguments are known 2+3  =4  false x+(2+3)  x+5 Replace if-then-else by then-part (resp. else-part) if test-part is known to be true (resp. false) function power(b,e) is if e = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1)

18 Example: power power(?,2) power(?,1) Residual code:
function power(b,2) is if false then 1 else b*power(b,2-1) function power(b,2) is if 2 = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1) function power(b,2) is if e = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1) Residual code: function power_2(b) is b*power_1(b) power(?,1) function power(b,1) is if e = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1) function power(b,1) is if false then 1 else b*power(b,1-1) function power_1(b) is b*power_0(b)

19 Example: power (cont’d)
function power(b,0) is if 0 = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1) function power(b,0) is if 0 = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1) function power(b,0) is if e = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1) Residual code: function power_0(b) is 1

20 Example: power (cont’d)
Residual code: function power_2(b) is b*power_1(b) function power_1(b) is b*power_0(b) function power_0(b) is 1 What we really, really want: function power_2(b) is b*b

21 Extra Operation: Unfolding
≈ evaluating the function call operation Replace call by definition function power(b,2) is if 2 = 0 then 1 else b* (if 1 = 0 then 1 else b* (if 0 = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,-1))) function power(b,2) is if 2 = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,1) function power(b,2) is if 2 = 0 then 1 else b* (if 1 = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,0)) Residual code: function power_2(b) is b*b*1 ≈ SQR function

22 PE: Not always beneficial
power(3,?) Residual code: function power(3,e) is if e = 0 then 1 else 3*power(3,e-1) function power(3,e) is if e = 0 then 1 else b*power(b,e-1) function power_3(e) is if e = 0 then 1 else 3*power_3(e-1)

23 Part 2: Why Partial Evaluation (and Program Optimisation)?

24 Constant Propagation Static values in programs
function my_program(x) is y := 2* power(x,3) captures inlining and more function my_program(x) is y := 2* x * x * x

25 Abstract Datatypes / Modules
Get rid of inherent overhead by PE function my_program(x) is if not empty_tree(x) then y := get_value(x)… + get rid of redundant run-time tests function my_program(x) is if x != null then y := x->val …

26 Higher-Order/Reusing Generic Code
Get rid of overhead  incite usage function my_program(x,y,z) is r := reduce(*,1,map(inc,[x,y,z])) function my_program(x,y,z) is r := (x+1)*(y+1)*(z+1)

27 Higher-Order II Can generate new functions/procedures
function my_program(x) is r := reduce(*,1,map(inc,x)) function my_program(x) is r := red_map_1(x) function red_map_1(x) is if x=nil then return 1 else return x->head* red_map_1(x->tail)

28 Staged Input Input does not arrive all at once 5 2 2.1 42
my_program (x , y , z) 42

29 Examples of staged input
Ray tracing calculate_view(Scene,Lights,Viewpoint) Interpretation interpreter(ObjectProgram,Call) prove_theorem(FOL-Theory,Theorem) check_integrity(Db_rules,Update) schedule_crews(Rules,Facts) Speedups 2: you get your money back 10: quite typical for interpretation overhead (and even ∞): possible

30 Ray Tracing Static

31 Why go beyond partial evaluation
Improve algorithms (not necessarily PS): Tupling Deforestation Superlinear speedups Non-executable  executable programs Software Verification, Inversion, Model Checking

32 Tupling Corresponds to loop-fusion

33 Deforestation

34 Part 3: Issues in Partial Evaluation and Program Optimisation
Efficiency/Precision Correctness Termination Self-application

35 Correctness Language Semantics
Power/Elegance: unfolding LP easy, FP ok, C++ aargh Modularity: global variables, pointers Semantics Purely logical Somewhat operational (termination,…) Purely operational Informal/compiler admissive restrictive

36 Programming Language for Course
Lectures use mainly LP Don’t distract from essential issues Nice programming paradigm A lot of room for speedups Techniques can be useful for other languages, but Correctness will be more difficult to establish Extra analyses might be required (aliasing, flow analysis, …)

37 Efficiency/Precision
x := 2+y; p(x) y=5  p(7) Unfold enough but not too much Enough to propagate partial information But still ensure termination Binding-time Analysis (for offline systems): Which expressions will be definitely known Which statements can be executed Allow enough polyvariance but not too much Code explosion problem Characteristic trees p(7) p(9) p(11) p(13) ...

38 Termination Who cares PE should terminate when the program does
PE should always terminate " within reasonable time bounds State of the art

39 Self-Application Principle: Why:
Write a partial evaluator (program specialiser,…) which can specialise itself Why: Ensures non-trivial partial evaluator Ensures non-trivial language Optimise specialisation process Automatic compiler generation !

40 Compiling by PE Call2 Call1 Call3 Result1 Object Program P Interpreter

41 Compiler Generation by PE
Object Program R static Object Program Q Object Program R Object Program P Object Program Q Object Program P Interpreter I PE PE’ I-PE = Compiler ! Useful for: Lge Extensions, Debugging, DSL,... P-Interpreter Q-Interpreter R-Interpreter

42 Cogen Generation by PE Interpreter R static Interpreter Q
Interpreter P Interpreter Q Interpreter P PE PE’ PE’’ PE-PE = Compiler Generator ! P-Compiler 3rd Futamura Projection Q-Compiler R-Compiler

43 Part 4: Overview of the course (remainder)

44 Overview of the Course: Lecture 1 (remainder)
Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs: First Steps This afternoon, April 20th: A short (re-)introduction to Logic Programming How to do partial evaluation of logic programs (called partial deduction): first steps Outcome: Enough knowledge of LP to follow the rest Concrete idea of PE for one particular language

45 Overview of the Course: Lecture 2
(Online) Partial Deduction: Foundations, Algorithms and Experiments Next week, April 27th: Correctness criterion and results Control Issues: Local vs. Global; Online vs. Offline Local control solutions: Termination Global control: Ch. trees, WQO's at the global level Relevance for other languages and applications Full demo of Ecce system Outcome: How to control program specialisers (analysers, ...) How to prove them correct

46 Overview of the Course: Lecture 3
Self-application and compiler generation May 4th: Principle of self-application, history Cogen by hand principle How to achieve cogen by hand for logic programs Binding-time analysis by abstract interpretation (POS) How to handle extra logical features Demo of the logen system Outcome: How to achieve (very) fast specialisation How to automatically generate compilers

47 Overview of the Course: Lecture 4
Extending Partial Deduction: Integrating Unfold/Fold and Abstract Interpretation May 11th: Unfold/Fold vs PD Going from PD to Conjunctive PD Control issues, Demo of Ecce Abstract Interpretation vs Conj. PD and Unfold/Fold Integrating Abstract Interpretation Applications (+ Demo): Infinite Model Checking Outcome How to do very advanced/fancy optimisations

48 Summary (first 2 hours): What to know for the exam
Terminology: Program Optimisation, Transformation, Analysis, Specialisation, PE Basics of PE and Optimisation in general Uses of PE and Program Optimisation Common compiler optimisations Enabling high-level programming Staged input, optimising existing code Self-application and compiler generation

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