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Age of Exploration, 1400-1800.

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1 Age of Exploration,

2 I. Europeans Explore Asia
Prior to 1400s, Europeans had little interest or ability to explore far-off, foreign lands The ideas and events of the Renaissance stirred European unrest/curiosity 3 motivating factors: 1) Economic motivations (wanted to be rich) Spices/luxury items from Asia were introduced during the Crusades Trade took place between Italian and Muslim merchants who charged high prices European merchants looked for a direct route to Asia to secure items at lower cost 2) Spread of Christianity Many Europeans felt it was their duty to convert non-Christians CHALLENGE QUESTION!

3 I. Continued… 3 motivating factors (continued…)
3) New technologies New ships (caravels) were faster, sturdier, and could sail against the wind Magnetic compass and astrolabe allowed for better navigation, map making Portugal first to embrace and pursue exploration First to establish trading outposts along African coast Supported by Prince Henry of Portugal Founded navigation school, supported explorers financially

4 I. Continued… Spain was jealous of Portugal’s success
1488 – Portuguese sailors rounded tip of Africa, began exploring east Africa 1498 – Vasco da Gama travelled to Calcuta, India Spain was jealous of Portugal’s success Sent Christopher Columbus searching for a route to Asia in 1492 Rivalry between Spain and Portugal grew tense Pope Alexander VI suggested created a dividing line that split the world Signed the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 Dividing line ran north-south, gave Spain all lands west, Portugal all lands east

5 Map of Conquest, Source -

6 II. Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean
After da Gama’s voyage, Portugal established a thriving trading empire throughout Indian Ocean Seized control of spice trade from Muslim merchants Captured trading ports in Middle East, India, East Indies (modern-day Malaysia and Indonesia) Prices for Asian goods dropped in Europe, access increased Success of Portuguese attracted other European countries to area Around 1600, Dutch and English challenged Portuguese dominance Established East India Companies to trade with Asia Could mint money, make treaties, establish armies Would lay the foundation for colonies later Dutch and English remained dominant forces into modern times

7 Dutch Empire, 17th – 19th centuries.
British Empire, early 20th century

8 II. Continued… Competition between European nations eventually leads to worldwide conflict – Seven Years’ War End of War gives British control over vast territory Europeans controlled many Asian ports, but influence was limited Small groups converted to Christianity, but majority of populations remained elusive Chinese and Japanese governments implement policies of isolation to limit European influence

9 EXIT TICKET What role did religion play for the Europeans during the Age of Exploration? Describe a piece of technology that allowed Europeans to go out and explore. Who was the first person to round the southern tip of Africa? Christopher Columbus Vasco da Gama Prince Henry What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do?

10 III. China During the Age of Exploration
Ming Dynasty ( ) Founded by Hongwu in 1368, originally a peasant Sought to restore power of China, erase Mongol past Encouraged return to Confucian ideas, restored examination system Eventually became a tyrant, killing thousands of government officials suspected of plotting against him Yonglo, son of Hongwu, continued many policies of his father Began short-lived Chinese age of exploration Zheng He led all voyages Explored as far as West Africa, established a system of tribute in more than 16 countries “Treasure Fleet” voyages mysteriously ended in 1433 CHALLENGE QUESTION!

11 III. Continued… Trade and commerce become highly regulated Confucian beliefs argued against idea of commerce, trade for profit Economic policies favored agriculture, not external trade Fear of outside (European) influence Policy of isolation had unintended consequences Lack of technological progress – Europeans and others developed better weapons, navigation tools over time Limited access to resources in times of need Society falls into disrepair – money spent on defense not on supporting population Fall of Ming Dynasty caused by civil unrest, brought on by problems associated with isolation policy

12 IV. Japan Becomes Isolated
1400s – civil war had disrupted centralized Japanese leadership With centralized power gone, feudalism became dominant system Regional warlords (daimyo) held real power, emperor had little say Warlords relied on samurai to protect land and control peasant population European contact began mid-16th century Brought new technologies, ideas Guns, printing press, mechanical clocks

13 IV. Continued… Isolation Brought new technologies, ideas (continued…)
Christian missionaries attempted to convert Some early success, many people were interested Western ideas But, by late 16th century, Christian missionaries and converts were being actively persecuted Thought to be a threat to the social order Isolation By mid-17th century, Japanese ships forbidden to sail overseas Outsiders limited to port of Nagasaki – only Dutch and Chinese merchants For more than 200 years, Japan was basically closed to Europeans and the West

14 CHALLENGE QUESTION! Make a prediction (or three)!
What do you think motivated the Europeans to go out and explore the world? List and explain at least three possible motivating factors. Complete sentences! BACK

15 CHALLENGE QUESTION! After the Ming dynasty ended the voyages of the “Treasure Fleet”, China begin to enforce a policy of isolation. What factors might have motivated China into isolating themselves from the rest of the world? What might be the positive and negative consequences of such a policy? Complete sentences, at least a paragraph. BACK

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