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Presentation on theme: "Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter

2 Matter- What is it? Matter: Anything with mass and volume
Volume: Amount of space an object occupies Mass: Amount of stuff in an object Weight: Depends on gravity Mass: Is not gravity dependant

3 Mass vs. Weight

4 Properties of Matter — Physical
Do not change the chemical composition of the matter Used to ID a substance Examples: state, boiling point, texture, mass, color, shape, density, odor, volume, size, malleable, ductile.

5 Physical Properties can be divided into 2 groups:
Extensive: Depends on the amount of the substance Examples: Mass and Volume Intensive: Does NOT depend on the amount of the substance Examples: Color, Texture, Density

6 Physical Properties

7 The Four States of Matter
Solid: Fixed volume and shape (Lowest kinetic energy) Liquid: Fixed volume and indefinite shape (Takes the shape of container) Gas: Indefinite volume and shape (Fills the container) Highest kinetic energy Plasma: A high temperature state of matter in which atoms lose their electrons. (Happens in a fluorescent light bulb)

8 States of Matter

9 Particle Model of Water

10 Physical Changes (Cont.)
Physical Changes are reversible or irreversible. They do NOT affect chemical composition! Example: Change of state, cut, crush, dissolving. If a substance goes from a liquid to a solid this is a reversible physical change since it can melt. Crushing a rock is an irreversible physical change because the rock does not go back together. Water to ice is a reversible physical change.

11 Physical Change

12 Melting and Boiling require changes in energy.
Exothermic changes: Energy is given off thereby decreasing the internal energy of the molecules. (Can feel warm to touch) Examples: Liquid to Solid or Gas to Liquid Water freezing to ice or steam condensing to form water. Endothermic changes: Energy is absorbed thereby increasing the internal energy of the molecules. (Can feel cool to touch) Examples: Solid to Liquid or Liquid to Gas Ice melting; Boiling water; CO2 cartridge feels cold.


14 Changes of State Models for Water

15 Three States of Sodium Sodium going from a solid to a gas is what type of reaction? Endothermic!

16 Chemical Properties How matter reacts when it comes in contact with other substances Examples: Reactivity—Lithium in water smokes, Potassium in water flames, Cesium in water explodes. Potassium in water

17 Chemical Changes Alter the chemical composition of one or more substances. A chemical reaction is a change that produces matter with a different chemical composition than the original matter. All chemical changes are accompanied by transfers of energy. Ex. Burn, rot, rust, explode, decompose, baking.

18 Chemical Change

19 Physical or Chemical Change?

20 Evidence of a Chemical Change
Evolution of a gas (bubbles)

21 Evidence of a Chemical Change
Formation of a precipitate. When a solid forms from mixing 2 liquids.

22 Evidence of a Chemical Change
Formation of heat or light as energy is given off, or feeling cold to the touch as energy is absorbed (An exchange of energy)

23 Evidence of a Chemical Change
Color change (Not always an indicator, such as food coloring in water).

24 Formation of a Precipitate

25 Practice WS #1 – Physical Vs. Chemical

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