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A Cold War Timeline
Deeper Causes Geopolitical: strategic location of U.S.S.R and geography (needed buffer zone, warm water port; Crimean War shows this). Ideologies of capitalist, democratic West vs. communist, totalitarian East (from before Russian Revolution, Western views opposed Marxism/communism, and aided ‘White Russian’ in 1917 revolution. Communists saw revolution as global; to be carried to other countries from U.S.S.R.)
Pattern of On-Going Conflict between 2 groups of Countries
‘Western’ Democratic Capitalist U.S., Great Britain, France, W. Germany, etc. N.A.T.O. ‘Eastern’ Totalitarian (not Democratic) • Communist U.S.S.R. and ‘satellite’ countries (of Eastern Europe) Warsaw Pact
Definition: ‘Cold War’
“State of tension and mistrust between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. after WW2”, but also, “a conflict or dispute between two groups that does not involve actual fighting” [‘hot’ wars involve actual fighting]. Definition: Iron Curtain (vs. Berlin Wall) “Division between Eastern and Western Europe during the Cold War”. The Iron Curtain was an idea, the Berlin Wall was an actual, physical wall that divided the east and west parts of Berlin.
1940s 1945: February Yalta Conference Cold War Begins 1945: August 6 -- United States first used atomic bomb in war : August Japanese surrender End of World War II : March -- Winston Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" Speech : March -- Truman declares active role in Greek Civil War : June -- Marshall Plan is announced : February -- Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia : June Berlin Blockade begins : July -- NATO ratified : May Berlin Blockade ends : September -- Mao Zedong, a Communist, takes control of China : September -- Soviets explode first atomic bomb
1950s 1950: February -- Joe McCarthy begins Communist witch hunt
1950s 1950: February -- Joe McCarthy begins Communist witch hunt Korean War : June Rosenberg executions CIA helps overthrow unfriendly regimes in Iran and Guatemala : July -- Vietnam split north/south, north = Communist : May -- Warsaw Pact formed : October - November -- Rebellion put down in Communist Hungary : October 4 – Sputnik (1st satellite) launched into orbit : November -- Khrushchev demands withdrawal of troops from Berlin : January – Communist control of Cuba taken over by Fidel Castro : September -- Khrushchev visits United States; denied access to Disneyland
1960s 1960: May -- Soviet Union reveals U. S
1960s 1960: May -- Soviet Union reveals U.S. spy plane shot down over Soviet territory 1960: November -- John F. Kennedy elected President 1961: April -- Bay of Pigs invasion 1961: August – Construction of Berlin Wall : -- U.S. involvement in Vietnam ⬆︎ : October -- Cuban Missile Crisis : July -- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ratified : November -- President Kennedy assassinated : August -- Gulf of Tonkin incident : April -- U.S. Marines sent to Dominican Republic to fight Communism : July -- Announcement of dispatching of 150, U.S. troops to Vietnam : January -- North Korea captured U.S.S. Pueblo : August -- Soviet troops crush Czechoslovakian revolt : July Apollo 11 lands on the moon
1970s. 1970: April -- President Nixon extends Vietnam War to Cambodia
1970s : April -- President Nixon extends Vietnam War to Cambodia : July -- SALT I signed : January -- Cease fire in Vietnam between N. Vietnam and United States : September -- United States helps overthrow Chile government 1973: October -- Egypt and Syria attack Israel; Egypt requests Soviet aid 1974: August -- President Nixon resigns 1975: April 17 – Fall of South Vietnam (North wins Vietnam War) Karol Wojtyla, Cardinal of Krakow, elected Pope --John-Paul II : July -- SALT II signed 1979: November – Iranian Revolution: Shah of Iran overthrown; Iranian Hostage Crisis
1980s : – ‘Solidarity’ protests (at Gdansk, Poland) by workers, led by Lech Walesa : -- Reagan proposes Strategic Defense Initiative, or ‘SDI’ (aka‘Star Wars’) 1983: October -- U.S. troops overthrow regime in Grenada 1985: -- Iran-Contra Affair (arms sold to Iran, profits support Nicaraguan contras) 1985: -- Gorbachev takes power in Soviet Union 1986: -- Gorbachev ends economic aid to Soviet satellites 1986: Oct -- Reagan & Gorbachev: remove all intermed nukes from Eur : Oct -- Reagan/Gorbachev: remove medium & short-range nukes from Eur : January -- Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan 1989: June -- China violently stops protests for democracy; : November -- Berlin Wall falls 1989: June-Dec -- Communist govt.s fall: Poland, Hungary Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Rumania; Soviet empire ends
1990s. 1990: March -- Lithuania becomes independent
1990s : March -- Lithuania becomes independent : May Boris Yeltsin elected to presidency of Russia : October 3 -- Germany reunited : April -- Warsaw Pact ends : August -- End of Soviet Union Cold War Ends
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