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65.5 million years ago – RIGHT NOW

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1 65.5 million years ago – RIGHT NOW
Cenozoic Era The age of Mammals 65.5 million years ago – RIGHT NOW

2 Broken into… 1. Tertiary More than 95% of the Cenozoic era is included in this period. 2. Quaternary Only includes that last 1.8 million years until present time. Cenozoic rocks are more easily to access and less deformed than older rocks

3 MAMMALS ** First large mammals appear Some mammals become extinct
Mammals still evolved and changed during this time.

Oligocene = hUMANS Birds and flowering plants also continue to evolve However, invertebrates, fish, reptiles looked close to what they look like today Elephants, early horses and many grasses and plants appear MAMMALS BECOME DOMINANT

5 ** First hominids (human ancestors) appear
Earliest humans appear Live at the time of Wooly Mammoths

6 Ice Age hits Humans become dominant

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