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The War Within Romans 7.

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1 The War Within Romans 7

2 Romans 1-8 Introduction/Theme (1:1-17)
Condemnation: All of Humanity Condemned Because of Sin (1:18-3:20) Justification: God Gives us the Position of Righteousness (3:21-5:21) Sanctification: God Grows us in Practical Righteousness (6:1-8:39)

3 Sanctification: Romans 6-8
Romans 6: Why bother? Romans 7: Why is it so hard? Romans 8: How do I do it?

4 Romans 7 7:1-6: Explain/prove 6:14b 7:7-12: So is the Law sin?
I’m no longer under law b/c I died 7:7-12: So is the Law sin? Problem isn’t law, problem is me! Paul’s pre-conversion example 7:13-25: So is the Law the cause of my spiritual death? No, problem is still with me! Paul’s present example

5 Why is this Paul as a mature believer?
Romans 7:14-25 Why is this Paul as a mature believer? Verbs all present tense Overall flow of the book – this is sanctification section Bold statements ONLY true of a mature believer

6 Romans 7:14-25 “Flesh” Skin Whole material body
All of me, body and soul All of me without God, as a fallen human being with corrupted body and soul

7 Romans 7:14-25 “sold into slavery to sin”
Romans 6:1-6 – Legal slavery to sin Romans 6:15-16 – Experiential slavery to sin Romans 7:14 – Slavery by nature to sin

8 Romans 7:14-25 “I” (egw) Emphatic, not needed 6 times in this section
It is me doing it alone, in my own resources Never in chapter 8

9 Romans 7:14-25 2 Conclusions: V16 – not the law’s fault
V17 – it is sin’s fault – my sin nature

10 Romans 7:14-25 V21 – the general principle V22-23 – the explanation
There are 2 “laws” in me! V24 – the result: frustration V25a – our hope in God V25b – our struggle for now

11 Two Big Lessons The Normal Christian life is STRUGGLE
So struggling with sin is NOT a sign of immaturity or lack of faith! When you try to do it on your own YOU WILL FAIL None of us are strong enough!

12 Application HUMILITY With God – confess our brokenness
With one another – seek wise accountability


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