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Would a system where everyone gets to vote on everything be better, or a system where one autocrat makes a decision for us all? Explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Would a system where everyone gets to vote on everything be better, or a system where one autocrat makes a decision for us all? Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Would a system where everyone gets to vote on everything be better, or a system where one autocrat makes a decision for us all? Explain

2 Majoritarian and Pluralist Democracy
Chapter 2

3 Types of Government Autocracy- one Oligarchy – few Democracy - people

4 Majoritarian Rule? Universal Participation? Should everyone vote?
Should each vote count equally? Should it be majority rule or a plurality of minor groups?

5 Representative Democracy
Combination of Direct Democracy and Republic Some things are voted by all, some only by representatives

6 Majoritarian vs. Minority
Can some people always be in the minority group? Should government care about the rights of minorities?

7 Pluralist Model Government by the people through competitive interest groups Does this bring about an elite group of those who control key decisions?

8 Global Trend toward Democracy
Democratization – a move toward democratic government Reflection: Which system is best, Majoritarian or Pluralist and why? Explain

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