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Hannibal after Zama, the impact of his death and the Third Punic War

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1 Hannibal after Zama, the impact of his death and the Third Punic War
Joshua Pamittan

2 Hannibal’s Career after Zama
Blamed by Carthage Kept Military Command Reorganised Carthaginian finances Introduced democracy and constitutional reforms Accused of Conspiring with Syria Fled from Carthage to escape his own government

3 Hannibal’s Career Continued
Fled to Antiochus III Became a mercenary Granted a minor naval command Fled to Bithynia Hannibal poisoned himself


5 The Manner and Impact of his Death
Poisoned himself Security Strong strategic skills and tactical ingenuity Unpredictable Rome’s greatest enemy Role Model Great psychological impact on the Romans


7 What lead to the destruction of Carthage?
Fear amongst the Romans Cato the Elder promoted the final destruction of Carthage after realising its agricultural prosperity. Promoted ideas through verbal speech Opposed by Publious Scipio Nasica « Carthage delenda est » (Furthermore, I think Carthage must be destroyed)

8 The Third Punic War Siege Operation Roman army landed in Africa 149BC
Carthage surrendered and handed hostages and arms. Rome demanded complete destruction of city, but city refused. City was leveled to the ground

9 Bibliography Books Excel HSC Ancient History Book 2
Background to the Wars with Carthage, Chap. 7 Websites

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