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AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS Attendance Announcements Making Claims Practice

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1 AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS Attendance Announcements Making Claims Practice
Attendance Announcements Making Claims Practice ANNOUNCEMENTS HOMEWORK: U2WD2 (COMPLETE draft) due Wednesday! upload a copy & print/staple a copy for peer review

2 U2WD2 3-5 pages Works Cited/References page
Include the visual text you analyzed after your Works Cited/References page Ron Swanson 2 October 2017 ENGL 101 Petersilie What you See is What you Get Vestibulum porta condimentum lacus rutrum scelerisque. Sed sollicitudin vestibulum posuere. Aliquam ut leo quis lectus rhoncus interdum in ut eros. Integer interdum commodo justo, non venenatis turpis aliquet et. In gravida eros vitae dolor ultrices, ut semper orci pretium. Integer non ante eget nunc pulvinar finibus et vitae turpis. Aliquam vitae lobortis erat, gravida malesuada libero. Cras sit amet lorem et tellus rutrum efficitur. Pellentesque volutpat pulvinar finibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras consequat fermentum nisl, a hendrerit nunc ullamcorper eget. Suspendisse vitae tellus turpis. Duis ultricies sollicitudin nunc sit amet rhoncus. Fusce ac pharetra nisl. Nunc feugiat, ex ut dictum vulputate, quam nisi vehicula sapien, nec aliquet metus augue vel justo. Donec sit amet dolor consequat, pulvinar tellus eget, accumsan urna. Vestibulum porta condimentum lacus rutrum scelerisque. Sed sollicitudin vestibulum posuere. Aliquam ut leo quis lectus rhoncus interdum in ut eros. Integer interdum commodo justo, non venenatis turpis aliquet et. In gravida eros vitae dolor ultrices, ut semper orci pretium. Integer non ante eget nunc pulvinar finibus et vitae turpis. Aliquam vitae lobortis erat, gravida malesuada libero. Cras sit amet lorem et tellus rutrum efficitur. Pellentesque volutpat pulvinar finibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras consequat fermentum nisl, a hendrerit nunc ullamcorper eget. Suspendisse vitae tellus turpis. Duis ultricies sollicitudin nunc sit amet rhoncus. Fusce ac pharetra nisl. Nunc feugiat, ex ut dictum vulputate, quam nisi vehicula sapien, nec aliquet metus augue vel justo. Donec sit amet dolor consequat, pulvinar tellus eget, accumsan urna. Vestibulum porta condimentum lacus rutrum scelerisque. Sed sollicitudin vestibulum posuere. Aliquam ut leo quis lectus rhoncus interdum in ut eros. Integer interdum commodo justo, non venenatis turpis aliquet et. In gravida eros vitae dolor Works Cited “What you See is What you Get” Source. Magazine, 2015. + You do not need to include in-text citations UNLESS you referenced sources other than the visual text you analyzed. NOTE: Doing additional research was not required for this assignment.

3 Work Cited/References
Google Images is not a source! You must visit the actual webpage where the image is posted. Below is a resource that outlines how to cite an advertisement from a website: (MLA or APA)

4 MAKING CLAIMS Argumentation = making a point about something
A claim is the part of your argument that persuades, argues, convinces, proves, or provocatively suggests something to a reader who may or may not initially agree with you. Remember: “Argumentation isn’t about winning or losing a debate; rather it involves using evidence and reasoning to discover a version of the truth about a particular subject.” Argumentation = making a point about something

5 MAKING CLAIMS Though academic arguments can be be heated and draw on political, social, cultural, or personal positions and experiences, academic claims are different—often more complex, nuanced, specific, and detailed. A good claim is specific and makes a focused argument rather than a general one. Focused: MTV’s popularity is waning because it no longer plays music videos. General: MTV sucks.

6 MAKING CLAIMS The best claims are focused specific complex relevant
supported by evidence

7 MAKING CLAIMS Thesis Statements
A thesis is the major claim and main argument of an essay. It is probably the single most important part of an academic paper. The complexity, effectiveness, and quality of the entire paper hinges on the thesis statement.

8 MAKING CLAIMS A thesis statement Thesis Statements
Defines your essay’s goals by summarizing your argument and providing a roadmap to the rest of your paper. Must be argumentative. When you make a claim, you are arguing for a certain interpretation or understanding of your subject.

9 Argument/Arguable claim:
MAKING CLAIMS Opinion vs. Argument Opinion: Twinkies are delicious. Argument/Arguable claim: Twinkies taste better than other snack cakes because of their texture, their creamy filling, and their golden appearance.

10 Argument/Arguable claim:
MAKING CLAIMS Opinion vs. Argument Opinion: I like dance music. Argument/Arguable claim: Dance music has become popular for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the music; rather, the clear, fast beats respond to the need of people on amphetamines to move, and to move quickly.

11 Argument/Arguable claim:
MAKING CLAIMS Opinion vs. Argument Opinion: Virginia Woolf is better than James Joyce. Argument/Arguable claim: Virginia Woolf is a more effective writer than James Joyce because she does not rely on elaborate language devices that ultimately confuse and alienate the reader.

12 Argument/Arguable claim:
MAKING CLAIMS Opinion vs. Argument Opinion: The mayor is a bad man. Argument/Arguable claim: The mayor has continually done the community a disservice by mishandling money, focusing on frivolous causes, and failing to listen to his constituents. 

13 What are the differences?
MAKING CLAIMS Opinion vs. Argument What are the differences?  An argument is supported by evidence, which can be debated/challenged. Opinion is supported by more opinion (and ultimately you end up with something along the lines of “Well, just because, okay?”). An arguable claim can be substantiated with research, evidence, testimony, and academic reasoning. An arguable claim is something more than statement and support; it also goes on to address the “so what?” question, the implications and why we should care in the first place.

14 THESIS STATEMENT “By including an image of a sushi roll that has been wrapped in a discarded plastic bag instead of the traditional nori seaweed wrap, the designer of this Surfrider PSA successfully targets an audience who may be more concerned about being trendy than being conscientious consumers, and it attempts to persuade them to change their habits.”

15 Practice

16 As you are writing and organizing your Rhetorical Analysis essay, pay particular attention to the claims you are making in your thesis statement and each paragraph. Make sure each paragraph includes a clear claim that you are supporting with evidence and examples.

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