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MLA: Heaven on Earth Using the MLA Handbook.

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Presentation on theme: "MLA: Heaven on Earth Using the MLA Handbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA: Heaven on Earth Using the MLA Handbook

2 Books Freedman, Richard R. What Do Unions Do? New York: Basic, Print.

3 Books Author Title of Book Editor, Translator, Compiler Edition Used
Name of Series City of Publisher Publisher Date Format

4 Anthology Smith, John, ed. See the Man. New York: Baker, Print.

5 Multiple Books—One Author
Smith, John. Hear You Are. Boston: Word, Print See The Man. New York: Baker, Print.

6 One Book—Multiple Authors
Smith, John, and Tom Jones. Smith, John, et al. (4 or more authors)

7 Article in an Anthology
Rodgers, Tom. “Under the Rainbow.” Poems of the Past. Ed. Jack Allen. New York: Baker, Print.

8 Multivolume Book Yamauchi, Edwin M. “Ezra-Nehemiah.” The Expositor's Bible Commentary. Ed. Frank E. Gaebelein. Vol. 4. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, Print.

9 Book in a Series Garland, David E. Mark: The NIV Application Bible. Ed. Terry Muck. The NIV Application Commentary Series. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, Print.

10 Bible English Standard Version. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, Print. (English Standard Version, John 3:16)


12 Journal and Magazine Smith, Johanna M. “Constructing the Nation: Eighteenth-Century Geographies for Children.” Mosaic 34.2 (2001): Print. Mehta, Pratap Bhanu. “Exploding Myths.” New Republic. 6 June 1998: Print.

13 Articles Author’s Name Title of the article
Name of the Magazine/Journal Series number Volume number Issue number Date of Publication Page numbers Format

14 In-Text Documentation
John Smith states that God is spirit (34). Smith believes that Jesus is God (45). The Bible uses the word Savior six times in this passage (Smith 67). Stott states, “Jesus is God” (qtd. in Smith 45). The Bible says, “Jesus wept” (New International Version, John 10:45). Romans 3:10 states, “as it is written…” (NIV)

15 All sources have a lead-in.
Block quotes: More than four lines long, indent one inch and use no quotation marks. The period is inside the ( ). …after the rain. (Jones 34) Punctuation: In the text, place the period after the source (Smith 56). Use italics for referring to a particular word in the text. The word grace means …

16 What You Need to Know But You Never Looked

17 Abbreviations No city of publication n.p. No publisher n.p.
No date n.d. No pages n. pag. Months Days (Works Cited) pg 235 Publisher pgs. 248 Bible pgs 251

18 Grammar

19 Fragments During the storm of 1986 in Texas. While is was raining.
That I cannot remember.

20 Comma Splice John likes to eat apples, Mary likes to drink milk.

21 Run-On John eats apples Mary drinks tea.
The dog is mine but the cat is not.

22 Introductory Clause or Phrase
While it was raining yesterday I was studying for the test. After the football game we all went out to eat.

23 Change in Person The Bible teaches that Christians should pray daily. We should try to find a specific time and place to pray each day.

24 Pronoun Agreement Each of the students are reading the same book.

25 Publish

26 Portfolio Section 1 Acknowledgement page Section 2 Pre-evaluation
Section 3 Bible Reflection Section 4 Bible Translations Section 5 Reference Notes Section 6 Source List Section 7 Book Notes Section 8 Periodical Notes

27 Section 9 First Draft Section 10 Content Draft Section 11 Style Draft Section 12 Grammar Draft Section 13 Final Draft Section 14 Copies of Sources Section 15 Post-Evaluation

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