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Open VS Closed Thesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Open VS Closed Thesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open VS Closed Thesis

2 Closed Thesis Statement
Statement of main idea of argument + previews major points Limits the number of points the writer will make; therefore more basic Example: The Harry Potter series has become legendary children’s books and enduring literary classics because of its three-dimensional characters, exciting plot, and complex themes.

3 Open Thesis Statement Overall point (concept) guides without being hindering Does NOT list all the points intended to be covered Good for more mature/ complex essay style Example: The popularity of the Harry Potter series demonstrates that simplicity trumps complexity when it comes to the taste of readers, both young and old.

4 Counterargument Thesis
A statement in which counterargument, usually qualified by “although” or “but,” precedes writer’s opinion Immediately addressing a counterargument may make an argument seem stronger and more reasonable Example: Although the Harry Potter series may have some literary merit, its popularity has less to do with storytelling than with merchandising. Counterargument Thesis

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