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Imperialism The policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories.

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1 Imperialism The policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories


3 For most of its early history, America played a small role in world affairs. But in the late 1800’s this began to change. With leading spokesmen calling for the United States to join the ranks of the world’s major powers, the United States began to acquire influence and territories outside its continental borders. The United States was abandoning isolationism and emerging as a new power on the global stage

4 Reasons National Superiority- imperialists believed certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore were destined to rule over inferior peoples and cultures America had a surplus of goods. Industrialists urged expanding trade into new overseas markets where American goods would be sold.

5 Military Strength With Imperialism came a need to build up a strong military. To protect and expand America’s interests around the world. Alfred T. Mahan played a key role in transforming America into a naval power By 1900 the United States had the third largest navy in the world

6 Testing the Waters In 1867 America bought Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. Alaska almost doubled the country’s size and turned out to be rich in timber, oil, and other natural resources. Also expands America’s reach across the Pacific

7 Hawaii Americans had economic links to the Hawaii Islands since the late 1700’s Sugar cane plantations When those investments were threatened by taxes and political problems wealthy planters began to ask for annexation (adding to the U.S.) Hawaii was added to the United States in 1898

8 Anti Imperialists George Washington, William Jennings Bryan, and Mark Twain Anti Imperialists league Imperialism would force U.S. to maintain large, expensive military Contrary to American principles of freedom, self-determination, democracy

9 Spanish American War Spain’s empire included the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Cuba Cuban’s longed for freedom and repeatedly rebelled against Spanish rule The United States had millions of dollars invested in sugar cane plantations and other businesses in Cuba and they were threatened by the constant warfare America was split between people who wanted to interfere and those who wanted to stay isolated

10 Spanish American War After the Maine explosion the United States goes to war against Spain. U.S. battles the Spanish in the Philippines and Cuba. In less then 10 months the Spanish are forced to surrender

11 Treaty of Paris (Ended the Spanish American War)
Made Cuba and Puerto Rico American Territories Sold the Philippine Islands to the United States for 20 million dollars The Philippines rebelled against American rule, but eventually agreed to be peaceful with a promise for freedom in the future AMERICA IS NOW CONCIDERED A WORLD POWER!!!

12 Effects of Spanish American War
American’s debate Imperialism George Washington, William Jennings Bryan, and Mark Twain Anti Imperialists league Imperialism would force U.S. to maintain large, expensive military Contrary to American principles of freedom, self-determination, democracy America assumes a new role in the world Now has an empire and new stature in world affairs Turning point in American foreign policy

13 Read and Outline Start on page 263, read and outline the rest of the chapter Focus on these key topics: Philippines rebel against American rule -Relations with China       *Open door, Boxer Rebellion Explain the different foreign policies and actions taken under them -Big Stick Diplomacy       *Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary, Military action -Dollar Diplomacy -Moral Diplomacy

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