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CARBON CYCLE Presented By: Stefanie Spayd Janet Fang.

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Presentation on theme: "CARBON CYCLE Presented By: Stefanie Spayd Janet Fang."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARBON CYCLE Presented By: Stefanie Spayd Janet Fang

2 Carbon Cycle Carbon Reservoirs “The process by which carbon is exchanged between earth’s biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.” Orton 2006 (talk given) Benin

3 Why should we care? Human Contributions to the Natural Cycle
Shindell 1998 Emission trends show that CO2 is one of the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases

4 Carbon Dioxide and Temperature
Vostok, Antarctica ice core as reported by Petit et al., 1999.

5 Past and Future of Carbon Dioxide

6 Fertilization vs. Acidification
Carbon Budget Fertilization vs. Acidification C: atmospheric CO2 concentration Sfossil: fossil fuel CO2 emissions Sterrestrial: net terrestrial CO2 flux, CO2 fertilization, land-use change Socean: net CO2 uptake by oceans Sresidual: residual fluxes, multiple causes From Orton 2006 (talk given)

7 Take Home Points Humans contribute to the fluxes of the carbon cycle
Carbon Budget The terrestrial sink is being altered by fossil fuel consumption, cement production, and land-use The ocean sink is being acidified There are uncertainties about how the future amounts of carbon dioxide will effect temperature, mostly because the link between carbon and temperature is not fully understood

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