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How many of you like holidays

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1 How many of you like holidays
How many of you like holidays? Well, the Mongolian people have holidays too. One of the most important holidays is Tsaagan Sar. It is a three-day celebration, a type of New Year’s festival. Just like holidays everywhere, there is a lot of food.

2 During this festival, the people eat meat-filled dumplings called Buuz (bohz), roasted lamb, and salty milk tea. It is polite to visit the homes of friends and eat at least four to five Buuz at each home.

3 Airag is a specialty drink; it is fermented mare’s milk.

4 The centerpiece of the Tsaagan Sar feast is Boov.

5 Boov is a stack of fried bread covered with candy and cheese.

6 Because many Mongolians are herdsmen, they eat a lot of meat even when it’s not a holiday.

7 Most of the people of Mongolia dress pretty much like you and I do
Most of the people of Mongolia dress pretty much like you and I do. However, during festivals many people, both men and women, wear a traditional Mongolian outfit called a del. People living in the country may wear dels more often than those in the city, who wear them only on special occasions.

8 The Mongolian people who live in the country and herd animals use horses to help them with their work. Because of this, children learn to ride horses at a very young age.

9 By the time the children are six years old, they learn how to saddle a horse. Can you imagine saddling a horse at that age?

10 During the festival of Naadam, horse races are held to see whose horses are the fastest and most skilled. Children ages 5–13 are chosen to race the horses, and they practice for months. These cross-country races are divided not by the children’s ages but by the ages of the horses and are between 10 and 17 miles long.

11 Similar to holidays in the United States that are based on Christianity, a number of Mongolian holidays are based on Buddhist traditions. Across Mongolia you will see “ovoos,” heaps of rocks or wood with blue silk cloths tied on them.

12 An ovoo is often found on the tops of mountains or hills and is used to worship the sky and mountains; Buddhists use them in their ceremonies too. They don’t know the God who made the mountains and sky, and that’s why we send missionaries to tell them about Him.

13 Do you remember the student center that we learned about in the video
Do you remember the student center that we learned about in the video? Missionaries and Mongolian Christians are providing a place for students to meet and drink coffee and learn about Jesus.

14 The center has a room where the students can also go to study.

15 Plus, the center offers English language classes to build relationships with the students. This and a church service provide opportunities to tell the students about Jesus. Let’s remember to pray that the missionaries will have many opportunities to tell the Mongolian people about Jesus.

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