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Reading Literature & Informational Text

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1 Reading Literature & Informational Text
Welcome to this presentation about the top 5 big ideas your child will learn in the fourth quarter of fifth grade. Top 5 Big Ideas Your Child Will Learn in the Fourth Quarter of Fifth Grade

2 Big Idea: Independently and proficiently read and comprehend grade level informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts. Big idea 1 is being able to read and comprehend complex grade level informational text including historical, scientific, and technical text by the end of the year. 1

3 How you can help your child:
You can help your child by assisting him or her with selecting a variety of informational text at his or her grade level. As you select the text, consider the difficulty of the text and if your child will need support or if he or she reads the text independently. as shown above is a useful site in finding a variety of nonfiction text. Lastly, you can check for understanding by having your child summarize the text, give an oral presentation, or create a book report when complete. 1

4 Big Idea: Independently and proficiently read and comprehend grade level literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry. Big idea 2 is being able to read and comprehend complex grade level literary text such as stories, dramas, and poetry independently by the end of the year. 2

5 How you can help your child:
You can help your child by selecting a variety of grade level appropriate literary text. You may want to visit your school or local library to select text and provide a quiet space for your child to practice his or her reading and integrate the reading strategies that he or she has learned over the year while reading. Additionally, you may want to use to assist you with grade level book selections that can pair with Accelerated Reader quizzes at school to monitor comprehension. 2

6 Big Idea: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area. Big idea 3 your child will need to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies when reading an informational piece of text. 3

7 How you can help your child:
Florida Students Tutorial: What’s the Matter in the Galaxy? Can I use the root word or affix to figure the meaning of this unknown word? One way you can assist your child is by using the provided link is a tutorial for your fifth grade child that will allow him or her to watch and listen to an interactive presentation and respond to vocabulary questions. Pause this presentation to copy the web link for your child to access this tutorial. 3

8 Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. In big idea 4, your child will need to analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, comparing the similarities and differences between the different points of view in which the topic has been presented. This big idea applies to informational text. 4

9 How you can help your child:
Florida Students Tutorial: Why Did the Author Write That? Analyzing text is an important part of your child’s learning in all content areas. This free tutorial for fifth grade students will allow your child to practice finding similarities and differences in the points of view of multiple accounts of the same event or topic. 4

10 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. Big Idea 5 is being able to gather information from several sources to conduct an investigation of different aspects of a topic to build knowledge. 5

11 How you can help your child:
Decide on a topic to research together Generate a question together about the topic to focus the learning outcome (Ex. “ Why did Columbus want to go on the expedition and why did Queen Isabella finance him?”) Assist your child with finding different sources about the topic to answer the question You can help your child by considering the questions provided on the slide as you begin your research project. Have your child take notes a long the way and create a written or multimedia project that responds to the question that was generated. 5

12 For more information please visit,

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