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Phasellus malesuada sagittis sem. Sed faucibus.

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Presentation on theme: "Phasellus malesuada sagittis sem. Sed faucibus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phasellus malesuada sagittis sem. Sed faucibus.
Overskrift Dato Phasellus malesuada sagittis sem. Sed faucibus. Suggestion: Ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Insero, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you all in Vitus Bering Innovation Park today for this first ever ‘European Venture Contest Energy’. We are proud to have such a well-established competition as the European Venture Contest come to Horsens and at the same time put extra focus on the energy sector. Obviously, this day serves as a great opportunity for entrepreneurial companies to showcase their technologies and business plans, and hopefully impress the experts and potential international investors. And I’m pleased to tell you that there has been a strong support for – and interest in – this competition from entrepreneurs all over Europe. We have seen a lot of interesting prospects and ideas, and I know that it has been very hard to select the final participant. So I’m sure we can expect to see a lot of truly innovative business ideas here today. I for one will be the first to welcome these ideas, because…. Navn Navnesen og Navn Navnesen

2 Global challenges Climate changes CO2 New economies Oil and gas prices
…If we look at some of the pressing global challenges that we are currently faced with, we have: The holes in the ozone layer, which cause severe climate changes, such as increased temperatures, higher sea levels, etc. We also have oil and gas prices, which are just continuing rising. And finally, we see a change in the economies that can afford – and therefore demand – new technologies. The best example is probably the BRIC market economies, where Brazil, Russia, India and China now have increased demands in a variety of sectors. As a result… Oil and gas prices

3 The world needs more sustainable solutions
...we have never had such a high demand for new solutions and technologies that are innovative as well as sustainable – that is, sustainable in both the environmental and the economic sense This image shows the QBEAK, which is a lightweight electric vehicle developed by one of our portfolio companies - it only weighs half of a traditional car. This is just one example of innovative thinking meeting the demands of future consumers. I will come back to this later on.

4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
At Insero, we invest in innovative and sustainable business ideas At Insero, we have accepted the challenge regarding innovation and sustainable business creation. Therefore, we invest in creating new technologies, products and services, which can help solve some of the major global challenges. We have allocated the majority of our funds to help new and green ideas grow. Specifically, we are talking about an amount in excess of xxx million kroners. We invest in entrepreneurs, companies and projects by offering venture capital, and the purpose is to increase development power in our local area. Our investments focus on two areas. One is… Dato

5 Within energy …Energy, where we have invested in a companies like EmaZys Technologies, which is developing a new and patented technology to monitor photovoltaic cells and optimize the performance of the photovoltaic power plant throughout its lifespan. This technology is currently being tested on several locations in Denmark. The other is…

6 And ICT …ICT – information and communication technology. Here, we have f.ex. invested in a company like Miitors, who has developed an ultrasonic meter which measures water consumption more accurately than traditional water meters. The ultrasonic meter you see here is the smallest in the world, both in terms of size and power consumption, and this technology makes it possible to produce water meters with no moving parts.

7 How do we do it? + So how do we create sustainable and innovative solutions in Insero? Our recipe is to combine entrepreneurship with venture capital. We identify the entrepreneurs – or they come to us – and then we add the necessary capital, enabling them to realize their business idea. But we do much more than that. In addition to capital, we also contribute with specialised consultancy and the proper network, so the entrepreneurs have the best possible conditions for advancing their idea. So we don’t just invest money – we invest ‘smart money’, and we also we join the Board of Directors in a new company. That way, we can do our utmost to make the business grow, and we increase the chance of succeeding with our investment. (The picture on the bottom right shows some of our competent employees, who are also on the board of the different companies).

8 ‘The Insero way’ If we look at the organisation, the Insero-group is built around: The foundation – Insero Horsens Insero Business Services, which is a consulting firm The clusters with the professional / academic focus. So far, we have established clusters within e-mobility and renewable energy from the earth and the sun The portfolio companies In addition to venture capital, Insero Horsens also invests in local activities within education, sports and culture. Dato

9 Lightweight technology by ECOmove
One example of what Insero has invested in is ECOmove. ECOmove develops unique and innovative solutions for e-mobility using lightweight materials and ground-breaking technology. When Insero invested in ECOmove back in 2009, they were a small company with a good idea. Today, ECOmove offers technologies that enable car designers and manufacturers to build vehicles that take up less space, cost less and simultaneously get longer range and better performance. ECOmove offers solutions for areas such as drivetrain, chassis, suspension, bodywork and power pack modules. With consumers having higher demands for comfort and safety in their cars - something which equals more components, higher weight, increased fuel consumption and a higher CO2-emission – ECOmove’s has specialized in lightweight technologies that can reduce the weight of vehicles and increase performance, without compromising comfort and safety. By applying these lightweight technologies to the QBEAK - the in-house designed electric car - it has been possible to reduce the weight with at least 500 kilos compared to similar cars, resulting in a significant improvement of the performance.

10 Revolutionary air-condition technology by AC-Sun
Another example is AC-Sun’s revolutionary technology, which turns solar heat into air-conditioning-systems with a minimal use of electrical power – in fact, the electrical power consumption is only 10% of a conventional system, and no chemical cooling media is used. The air conditioner is powered by solar heated water, water heated by surplus energy or district heating, and according to the FORCE Institute, the technology from AC-Sun will save 86% on CO2 emission compared to an average conventional Air-condition unit – and the cost is just about the same. To a high degree, this technology accommodates the climate challenge and the emerging economies of e.g. Brazil and China, where the growing middle class has an increasing demand modern conveniences such as air-conditioning. Save 90 % energy

11 Investing in future innovation
At Insero, we are constantly looking for talented and imaginative entrepreneurs in the fields of energy and ICT. But we also invest in increasing the interest in science - and thus energy and ICT - already at the primary school level. This has been achieved through scholarships and talent networks for sixth grade students as well as the operation of special mobile labs – rolling laboratories - such as “Explore the energy of the future” and “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, which have visited all the local schools and educational institutions. The classes are then moved to the mobile labs, and students and teachers can grapple with exciting challenges in science education or work with innovation and entrepreneurship in a new and different way. With all this activities Insero meets the challenge regarding innovation and sustainable business creation…..

12 Contact: CEO Mogens Vig Pedersen Tel: +45 41329838 Mail:
And you are always welcome to contact us wheather you have an idea of a new technology, a product or a service. We are also always interested in hearing from new project partners. Thank you!

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