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Correlation and its Applications

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1 Correlation and its Applications
9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

2 You need to determine %Fat
What’s the most accurate way to determine % body fat? Sacrifice the individual, separate the fat from the rest of the system and weight it. This wouldn’t fly with the Ethics Board. How else could we determine % body fat? 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

3 Indirect Measurement BMI is an indirect measurement that could estimate % body fat. We could do an a initial study that determines the relationship between BMI and %fat. In all future studies, we could measure BMI (no sacrifice necessary), and apply the relationship found in the initial study. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

4 Initial Study Both BMI and %body fat were directly measured from the cadavers of male gun shot victims in NYC from See Correlation.xls for data. A statistical technique called correlation was applied to determine the association between BMI and % body fat. A closely related method, linear regression, was used to determine a linear mathematical relationship between BMI and %body fat. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

5 Scatter plot: Body fat % vs. BMI
Best fit line 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

6 Visual Assessment From the scatter plot we can see that the two variables are related. With the use of correlation and regression, we can quantify the relationship. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

7 Correlation Coefficient
The coefficient ranges from -1 to 1 A correlation of 1 means a perfect relationship. Take-off velocity and jump height. A correlation of -1 also means a perfect relationship. 100 m sprint speed and 100 m race time. A correlation of 0 means no relationship. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

8 Positive Correlation Best fit line 9/21/2018
HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

9 Negative Correlation Best fit line 9/21/2018
HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

10 Zero Correlation Best fit line 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

11 The Equation zx = z-score of variable X zy = z-score of variable Y
N = number of pairs of scores This is the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

12 Excel Spreadsheet At this point in the lecture I opened the spreadsheet Correlation.xls to show the calculation. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

13 Evaluating the size of r
The following are general guidelines for absolute values of r. 0.5 to Low 0.7 to Moderate 0.9 to High 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

14 Significance of r The size of r is only part of performing a calculation of correlation. The next step is calculating its level of significance. Determines if r is reliably different from zero. Did the r value result from sheer chance? 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

15 Size ≠ Significance The size of the r value does not completely determine the significance. The number of scores (N) in the data set also has a very strong influence on the level of significance. The significance tells us the probability that we would find the same level of association due to chance alone. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

16 Calculating Significance of r
We will use a computer program such as Excel or SPSS to calculate significance. There are 2 steps required in Excel. Calculate a t-stat Determine the p-value for that t-stat 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

17 The t-statistic equation for r
(Warner, 2008) r = Pearson’s correlation coefficient N = number of pairs of scores At this point all the equations may seem overwhelming. Don’t panic clarity will arrive. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

18 P-value To determine the p-value for a t-statistic in Excel, we use the function TDIST(). It requires the t-statistic and the degrees of freedom (N-2) as input. The p-value quantifies the level of significance of r. For example, a p-value of .01 means the calculated r value (or a greater value) would occur, by chance alone, only 1 time out of 100. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

19 Correlation ≠ Cause and Effect
Correlation does not reveal cause and effect. For example, BMI is related to, and can predict % body fat, but an increase in BMI does not mean an increase in body fat. BMI could increase due to increases in muscle mass. 9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

20 Applications of Correlation
9/21/2018 HK Dr. Sasho MacKenzie

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