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Without Data You’re just another person with an opinion

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1 Without Data You’re just another person with an opinion
by Stillwater Area Public Schools Using data from pedometers, heart-rate sensors, wearables, personal devices and web applications, we are providing our physical education teachers and students the information needed to improve engagement and instruction. Join us for an interactive session where you can participate in the use of pedometers, heart-rate sensors, foot pods, and plickers to collect data. We will then share how we have used this data during the past year to improve lesson planning, teacher effectiveness and student engagement. Thank you for coming- would like you to join us for the journey over the past 7 years Curiosity Thrives Here

2 Stillwater’s Story PE goals to add 5-10 minutes of MVPA to our PE classes Baseline was 9.05 minutes Curiosity Thrives Here

3 Step trackers Curiosity Thrives Here
This is how we set things up to display for students to see their tiles on the big board! Curiosity Thrives Here

4 Assessment- How do we use collected data
1. Data can be ed to student and parent after class. 2. We use summary reports to look at how active students were for particular units and at grading periods. 3. Should I change or alter how I am teaching a certain lesson based on summary reports? - Absolutely! 4. Effort Grades (standards 4 & 5) are partially based on Step Tracker data. Nice to have data to back up our grades! I can talk to this. Holds students accountable for their learning. PR/communication to parents for what we are doing in PE. Tchr reflects lesson it most effective to get Ss moving and active? If not, how can it be changed? Curiosity Thrives Here

5 Individualized report sent to student and parents
I can talk to this. This is what a parent/student will see. Shows one class time. Top graph shows mins in each zone, bottom show trends in how close they were to the next level. Curiosity Thrives Here

6 Class summary report used for planning lessons
I can talk to this. This is a class summary report (tchr gets from dropbox). Shows entire class so at a glance you can see if changes need to be made to your lesson to make it more active than it can more students gets into Zone 2 & 3? Curiosity Thrives Here

7 Advocating your program to parents
I can speak to this. Shows over the course of a semester what the avg score are for a student compared to other same-aged students. Curiosity Thrives Here

8 Step Trackers have changed Physical Education in Stillwater!
I can talk to this slide! There is no “roll out the ball”, students used to just “play”, now tchrs are giving students tools to monitor their activity levels and what it “feels” like to be in a blue/yellow/red and what those zones mean Curiosity Thrives Here

9 How To Sustain Student Enthusiasm Using Step Trackers
1. Effort Grade is directly effected by Step Tracker data. 2. Set special point goals or benchmarks that need to be reached during station work, or game play. 3. Individualize step thresholds to help all students have success - which leads to increased effort. 4. Keep it FUN! My students love to put on their Step Tracker! I can talk to this. Effort is shown by zones students get into. What color do we want them to be in? Blue/yellow/red? Depends on what we are teaching. Students in blue are not necessarily putting in a lot of effort. Depending on the activity, you could set a goal for students to reach by the end of the class...or to continue in the game. Adjust individual thresholds to help students find success in reaching higher pts. Curiosity Thrives Here

10 Why use the Heart Zones system at the secondary level?
1. Students can evaluate the intensity of their workout. 2. Great teaching tool 3. Use data individual formative assessment: quick and easy! 4. Give individual student attention       where/when needed Mark-share his story here Curiosity Thrives Here

11 Student engagement in the weight room
Rachel Johnsons story in the weight room Curiosity Thrives Here

12 Important for ALL of us to take a deeper look at how we assess our students in physical education
Old PE vs New PE PE is definitely NOT what it used to be! Curiosity Thrives Here

13 Thank you from Stillwater Area Public Schools
Deb Van Klei - HealthyMOVES PEP grant coordinator Sheila Folden- Rutherford Elementary PE specialist Curiosity Thrives Here

14 22 Skadoo Curiosity Thrives Here
Have 2-3 taggers, each with a short noodle. Half the class stands on an inner circle (use center circle on floor as inner circle), the other half on an outer circle (made up of cones). Taggers stand in the space between the two circles (they can NOT go through the center circle). Object is for the outer circle players to safely run to the inner circle and shake hands 22 times with anyone in the center circle AND without getting tagged. If tagged, they go to the center circle. If they shake the necessary # of handshakes, the player from the center joins the outside circle! You CAN stop shaking hands at ANY time to avoid getting tagged. Center players need to remember how many more shakes they need before they can get out of the center circle! Change taggers after 1-2 minutes. Talk about different strategies to use! Curiosity Thrives Here

15 Add more hoops for more activity!
Hoop Tag 3 students each start with a hoop flat on on the ground (kickers). Object is to kick the hoop so it slides on the ground to try to hit someone in the foot. When someone gets hit in the foot with a hoop, that person then takes ‘control’ of that hoop and is the kicker of the hoop to try and hit someone in the foot. Add more hoops for more activity! Curiosity Thrives Here

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