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The Literature of Chivalry

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1 Aim: Analyze how Medieval Literature Depicts Chivalry, Knighhood & Women?

2 The Literature of Chivalry
1100’s-Themes of medieval literature downplayed brutality of knighthood and feudal warfare Stories glorified knighthood, chivalry, tournaments and real battles Feudal lords and ladies enjoyed listening to Epic Poetry Recounted a hero’s deeds & adventures Epics retold stories of King Arthur and Charlemagne The Song of Roland One of the earliest & famous epic poems Praises band of French soldiers who perished in battle during Charlemagnes rein 2

3 Love Poems and Songs Under Code of Chivalry, a knights duty to his lady became as important as to the lord Troubadours were traveling poet-musicians at the castles and courts of Europe Other Songs told of lovesick knights who adored ladies that they would never win Most celebrated woman of the wage of Eleanor of Aquitaine ( ) 3

4 Women’s Role in Feudal Society
Most women in feudal society were powerless Was the view of the Church and generally accepted Women played important role in noble and peasant families Noblewomen Under feudal system, noblewomen could inherit an estate from her husband Lives were limited Females in noble families confined to home Pleasant Women For vast majority of women of lower classes, life had remained unchanged for centuries Peasant women performed endless labor around the home and often in the fields Bore children and took care of their families 4

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